Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 26 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — WHITEWASH. [ARTICLE]
. For Everybody EIss But J. L. Stevens. ' Chicago, Feb. 15.—St. Clair McKelway, editor of the Pr.>ok)yn Eagle, said in an interview today: “I am in a position to know what view Senator Morg.\n. ehainnan of the Senate Com mittee on Foreign Relations, hopes to be al.le to maiuiaiu iu tbe fiual rej>oi t he wiii make un tbe Hawaiian qndstion. Ue is, snch a fertile minded man, and the evidence his committec is receiving in a iormai tnanner h«s informallv been so copioosly set fortb ia letters, dispatches and iutervie«s, that it would be affectati >u un hts part to mainlaiu
I jn>lic »1 re«rre on s sobject ou whicb no other citizen wi{bbol«ls his riews. There i$ re.i?on fe> sav frotn tbe iiiform;ttion »t niv eom maml th »t 5>?nator Morg»n QQ«lerta%e t!»e ingenions lask of sastaining both H»rrison aml Cievel.»D<l. He will conteml that Presi»lent Hitrri$OD \ras msiuformeil by Mini,'t-*r Steveus. but that even wilhin the area of such he aeted with modemtion an.l patriotism and Ieft the poliiieal disposit:<m of the niatter to the Senate as the treatv-considerii!g power. whi!e he left the execative of diplotnatic tre;itment of it to the Cleveland Admiiiistration in circamstances that enabled the l.atter freely to «leal with it. I tbink the Senator will magnify the excellfccce of the characters o£ Bloant and \Villis, that Le
will contend that tbese proceed iegs were ouly teutative and at no time is contravention of tbe duty of tbe Esec:itive to strive to uudo the wroug whieh he believed had been done, and tbat as
soon as it was found out that reparation was impossible, without comuiittīng an even greater wrong, the etfoi t \vas abandoned and the whole subject was tr.ms ferred to Congr-ss. I predict that he will go back to Jctfersou’s ac4uisitiou of Lousiana aud to Marcy’s sentiraents toward tliese very islands when he was Presi dent Pierce’s Secretary of State, as Deraocratic precedents long ootdating President Harrison's Hawaiiau policy. Mr. Morgan
will, I feel certaiu, advise tbat the Sand\vicb Islands be permitted a long period of iuteru;l repose, before be woukl faVor tbe exercise of whai he regards as the historical hospitality of the United States to the idea of acquiring them.”
Over 27,130 bags of sugav representing nearly throe million pounds of sugar v\ere brought to this port during the twenty-fonr h >urs ending at 10 a. m. yesterday.