Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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-A.dvertisements* J. KEMPNER, paahionahle Tailcr GENTIQIES? SOTS CL0T3ING MADE TU ORDEK G<**i Variety o/ Fīne Cfoth Cfeanintj awi Repairing \eatly Done. Terms Reaionable. 6ive me a Tr:al. 107 K!NG STREET. Oppcs:te * n ' Hooolalu fel L. H. DEE ? JOEBER OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. l»etween Fort and Bethel streets. >: — Holiday I Prescnfs The uudersigne<l beg leave to eall the attenti»n to « large assortmeut of tasteful aiul eiegant Jewelry, suitable for Christoius • Presents. Hawaiiaii Flair IMu^ in ditferent sizes. Hawaiian Jewelry a specialty. If you want to bny an elegant ami at the sarne tiine an mexj eusive Christmas Present, eall arouu«l ami inspect my stoek. TH0S. LINDSAY. Mdat»rny BIock, F»rt S:.H maiulu ileel tl Sans Sanci ’ HŪTEL,| r WAIKIKI, HONOLLLU. & First-Cfass Aeeommooations for Tourists and lsland Guests. SUPERI0R BATHING FACIUTIES. Privaie Cotiage* for FamilieS. cct9 T. A. SiMPS0N. Manacer.