Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Anchor-:-Sa!oon Kx ■ Al’STK ALIA." Another Invoice of the orld Renovned Fredericksburi>' Lager Beer Ou Jraught anJ bv the keg. Al>o. as a S|xv:alty. S\ULL F.\ESH CAL ā 0YSTERS . h'Oll COCKTAlLS !e22 lru T.H.Davies^Co KAAHUMANU ST., Honolulu, : : 1T- l. GENERAL am> Commission M(Tcli:mts — AND — SUGAR FACT0R5. AC.ENTS FOR ; ' | Lloyds :— Britisli auil Foreign Miiiue Insuranoe Comp:uiy. l,iniited. Xorthern Assorauce Co, tire .V life. l’ioneer line of l’ackets fioiu Lfv- ■ | eipool. 'lawaiiou Line of Packets. ‘ Oana'ilaii Pacific Railway Co. am> Canaiian-Australian Slcains!iip Co. Livf.rpool Offjcb: The A!bany, 01.1 HaIlSt. ' feb!6-3iu )} — — ! UĒEWHI2! > N e\v Soiii>;s. New Ilecitutioii.s, Xe\v Instrumontal s aml 13and Selections i 3 The Late.st anJ Be-t received • bv the steamer .Monowai, are i »w -j oa exh bit on t the 1 :■ Popular Phonograph > * Parlors, r i ' ; /• rlington Block, Hotel Strm t. Don’t mistake the Locatīon. fe!9 1 . MORTGAGEES N0TICE 0F F0RECL0SURE. > IN ACCOEDANCE WTI H THF PP.OVIS- ■ I k>'is of a eenain R.or‘-g»ge m«de bv K \ UANE NAKL INA t. \V>i. C \CT?t 1 dated t!ie - r >th day of Jio»ember lSai. re- , © r ied iu L ber Ī:>1, 373, and dn’y assigned to l.au Choti„', noliee js hcref.y i ' glven th»t the m<>rtg !»>• .nleu :» lo ioreel tbe -ame for coui:itions«broken, to * i: uon-{>ayment of intcre->t .ind princip«i. i Notice is !ikcw,-ē i,i»en that a/ter lbe ex-' pir.it:ou oi three «eehs fr»Oi th« date of thb> nnt.ee, tfce couveTe>l hy said DM>itgage wil! be «iivenise«l for »aiē at pnhlu aaehon at the anelion īo m - of lum F. lī rgan. in Honoln’a, ON WEX)NF>DAY, the Hth day of March, 1S&4, at i‘J a«>.-n, cf saidday. Dat«d Honoialu, Febmary 13. lSiM. LAU CHONG. Assigoee -_f Moftgagee. Tbe pīemi-e* coTen»d by tuil o ortgage consist of—l nfTW sitn m Huiai, llam». Mj li. and oonveye«l t -.i l m by Kalawa, by deed date i ihe ‘J£kh Ut of An gnst, 1SS3, nnd reoonie i m Li!*-r S3, - 1« and 103. feb!7-3w P0CXD MASTEB’S N0TICE. Noliee i* hereby girea to »11 persons, (hat tbere is at the Gorenuaent Poand at Makiki, trro strar*d huih, red and vhite, hrand* are ūuii»cnhab!c. Any penon or person» ovning tfae«e marr« tn mjoe»ted to eone and tnke the same on or befon> 12 o’eioek noon of SATURDAY. March 10, lS9t. Makiki. F«b. 24, JAMES KUKONA, Poond 7 1894.