Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
AT THE CLUB STABLES. 44 CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fcurth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton. Cal. Sept. 23, 1893.’ SiW, Pr. -Jirter, 2.305. 75 LKm. Onw». hr Bn<v»;u*r 'iPr cj| Vr i* »!».• tli <£«• ■»? Apei. 2d»; Tiun.ju22S ; Wi!k« 2.27 ; t,Tu<M. i.‘4: jai of tbe I'iiM FriIi;antJoe. 2:17 ».'..1 V:a- r. '2 2S. •V*Eot*’i. vHi*ek. one hina wbi:e I>-ot uui #ir pr in l»ce. \Vru;ū«. 1,050 j»»nn.!s; w r*tx itj|;'h. pfntk. * p»! pri>i>icef »n>) a nee Kone, " ;ii staaU L»r i hmilnl oamb«r o( io«« ii nKT»>ii DOl 1 AKr> Fv>K rHESKASOS, p»wbrf at ;uac >>( r\ uv. flus Ik’in. »as !>nr! ia !>.<2 t.) fortT->ii aii;es aui | rrviuor~! f»rtr-twu teb 17 —I tti L>. I I DAVIS.
INT£R-ISLAND P1L0TACE. Cait. WIU.IAM D.VVIES. • _ P0R THE P.t«t TWELVE YEAKS in eA-mn'.aU'i •>' Iater-!>lami S!e:inirr>, ff.-rs b;> «mn > ,iPl LOT TO aNV Iort or Un iing in the HaWaiLin IsUnds, Btst of references, inqniie at ! of J. S. W.\; ukk over S{>reckci‘s U*nk, or \Vkiuht Bko>., Fort Strrrt. frb 14 tf. W. S. LUCE Wine and Spirit Mei*chant C imphell Fire-proof Block, I MERCHANT ST.. HONOLULUI I H. MAY. & Co,. Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters f AND Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Street, - Honolulu ! I Families, Plantatious and Sbips supplied with choicest Euwpean &AmericanGrocerics C.ilifornia Produce by Ever>’ St©'’vmer. hong Branch BATHING Estab!ishment. This First-class Bathing Resort bis been enlarged and is now 0{>en to the pnhlie. It is the ’ best plnee on tiie islands to enjoy I a bath and ihere is no better; plaee to lay otf. Special aeeom-, raudations for Ladies. Traracsrs ; pass the door everj' half ho rand on Saturd*ys and Sondays ever\fiftecn minntes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. JUST RECEIVEDfrom JAPAN Several Kiud of Co.ton Crape, Latcst Styie of Shirt$ io ditferent quahiies. A$ortm2nfc of popeeiain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and raany Cnrioe saitible for Cbristmas Goods. I 411 KIN 'm 8TREET. Honolnlo. • - Tckrpboae«, a.Il 474. P.O. B-.x Uatu«i 544. H..13 lm