Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 Pepeluali 1894 — Congratulations ! [ARTICLE]
Congratulations !
When the sun sets to-day a prominent, and as we hope a frieud of Huwaii, has entered npon a new year. Mr. Chirence W. Ashford accomplished the feat to day of beiug one year • older than ho was previonsly. * The great lawyer’s high stand 1 ing ai'iong the weak, but very 1 haudsoaie sex is such th it we ] shonld consider it indiscreet to - develop the nuiuber of years dur- ! ing whieh our friend has been j shone ou by the sun iu the day ] »nd (very mueh) by the moou in 1 the night Let it sntfice that heyet ! shincs. lf Prof. Alexander should ] st>ll insist in writing histon* aud pursue the raannor whieli has so far characterized his reraarks. we will assist him bv saying that Mr. Ashford was uot here when Capt. Cooke rau the shebang, but the earth, according to him- j self, bas only known hirn today for 29 years. Aecording to his intiiuate fr.euds he has stepj>t-d on th:s globe for 36 years. But like i is former friend Dole. be m'ght bave been ;n hiding dur ing the ■■m:ssing years.
The ste<taier Kinui brougijt ! tbe following passengers from Haw&ii an«l M&oi, tbis mominp; ¥oleano—Miss Krout. T B Bishop. Mrs T B Bishop. C Trepplin and J D Blusonae. Way ports—T Yotsumoto. T M Data, W Berlowitz, H Uuimau, : Master CampbeII, Godfrey , Brown, C T Akana, Miss M Joues. ■J P Patker aud wife, F May, J Maguire, J S Low, L Asseu, Akaka, Miss L Qnick, Mrs! Ostrom. Hon. A Young, Misses Tonng (2), aul 92 deck passen- 1 . gers.