Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 24 February 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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— 1 f VN iud from the Sonth »gam t day. Opiuai i« now eagi!y purchasab' I and ig eheap». I • A French varship is now d*ih expected in j>ort bere from South , America. ! The cbceriag (?) j*rovis:onal annelalion (?) news bas dulle«] still morc the edge of loeal business. The Canadian and Aastrulian steamer Arawa s »ilctl from Van- | conver (F\;b. 16. she is therefore now overdne. T*ie author ties shoa!d keep : an eye oj»en for the nnival of , war-ves.sels from fever iufeeted j.ort of Soutu America. The Australiu brought the nens tiiat the bus ness at the midwinter fair was not improviug and the ouilook was very poor. The weather j>rophets are making faces at eaeh other and intimating ‘’yours anotber.” All signs seem to fail iu the midPucific. It took tbree aud one half (3i( rounds to s<-ttle an annexationist his morning. The winner was, “Juen —ior,” but ho was tliere. Mr. W F. Mossman was, today, for a second time, declared an houest man by a jury of his eountryuien. It looks like jiersocution not jnosecutiou, If you wish to hear the latest vers on of the “Prodigal Sou - ’ then eall at ihe Popular Phonograj)h Parl >rs, Arlington Dlock and listen to tbe feconl. Tbe steamer Australia arrived in port this morning from San Fruiici.sco bringing uews dutes to the 17tli nst. incius:ve. There is nothiug definite relutive to the Hawuiian gituation. ‘Jiuimy” Keula the 8hippiug n-p.»rt.T ‘ f the *Tis» r has bt en givtu ,n i ideli i.te V:»c.ition. Mr. Ke.ila hua be n a very fiithfiu emph>yee, of tlie pauer, f>r maoy yeura und will be missed along the water front. The following are registered at the Hawaiian Hotel: H. G. Jenk>u. Jos. H. Distel, W. H. ' ijnghes «ud wife, J. H. Firth, E. Dewn>che, C. C. Oolemun, W. W. Lindsay, J. C. Walker, J. M. S W«lker and W. A Webster. Mr. Leigh Irviu the i.ewspuper corresjK)ndent nt j>resent here l>aid a visit t>> the Queen last Thursduy. The visit was uot an inttrview bnt iuerely the r©ception of a stranger jo;irualist who d» sirtd to pay his nspects to Her Mujestv. * Mi. C. C. Coieman who arrived by the steamer Australia is a son of tho late well kuowu and highly respecte 1 .Sau Francisoun Mr. W T. ColeQ>an who was the leader of the note>l Vigilauce Gommittee whieh on two occasious made u •'law nnd onlei” city, of San Francisco. The jH)verty and distross previouslv st »ted to be existing in San Franoisco is uot lessened and the distress will very likel\ increas8 as the money needed for the em'.iouanee < f Park work is exhausted an.l over oOO men an* to be »gain thrown ont of work. •