Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — More Joy. [ARTICLE]
More Joy.
Prof. Berger. who »s 11 the karaaainas knowisfall of energy and enterprise informs ns that he intends to arrange a coucert for t‘ie berefit of Mr. Plnnkett tlie populir manag?r of the Albu singers. We ean assure Mr Berger that he will receive a , most heartv eo operation from i everv mnsic loving person in ! town and that the concert will be j a great s ccess. If atf tirs ean bt arranged in a pr>per roanner the , idea is to hav* the concert eome : off next Thurs iay at ih - Opeia Mouse P.ofessor B rger’s uame is enough to ia»ure the abso:ate ! snccess of the evening, and thrtalents who h >.ve promised tbei ;tssistance are so, that Honulnln will ge: an uaasa:d trea and Mr. Plnnkett a well deserved purse. - "