Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVIES, I\iLTG:ei% Stevedore ANr> AVrecker. F_-!TIMATES AXD COXTKACTS OX ALL K1XT>S OF WORK. TLe Schoooner MAHIMAHI, will rnn rognl*Hr Iwlwoon ihi* imi V. Aiiij*. Kt« Moknleia. Kf»»i nui 8ii<I Kniki oc the i$l.nsii of Oahn For Frright, eto , appir to llie C'aptain. Best of Koferenoes—Imjuiro at Offic ‘ of J. S. Waikor. o\>r Spreckels’ Bauk. orWright Brus. Fort Stroot. drc 16-tf LEWIS & C0. Wholesa!e and Retail Grocers AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every 8nn FraucUco Stoiuner. Salt Salmox ix Baurels a Specialtt. m Forl St. t Honoluiu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer and Comrnis<ion Merchant, SPEtTALTIE8: J. 4 P. Coat» - Maehine Thtva>l Jou;is Brock-i’ Maehiue ThreaJ Barbour’s Linen Thread Pears’ Soap P. O. Boi 358. Mntnal Telepbone 3ō<5 13 Kaahnmann Street. plalional Ipon Wni^ Queex Stkfet, Between Alakea <fc Richanl Sts. THE UX1 >ERSK»SED «re pn<par«d to niake rll kind$ of IrOn Brasw. Br>iiizc, Zinc, Tin ud Lead C«sting», A)so « Oeneral Repair Shop for Steam Engines, Hiee Mills, Com M>lls, Water Wheel*. Witsd MilLs etc. Mochines lor the Cleaning >{ C> ff> e, Ca»t jr Oiis, Besas Kanue, Sisai,
PinoappU: Lear»s ± oth»-r Fibn n* l’ anla, AnU hUx;k Alv3 Macbin«n for Eitrvct:ng St»rch (ro«* tlie Manioe, Arr»w Boo», ■ tc. AD OrU;nt proaiplly attcn 'eti to. *VHITE, RITMAN 6i CO. dEM£NT aūEW^ A>‘L» daī>bmg Laid. Estimates gtTen on all kinds of $tone, Coqc?et8 Woi^ C0.\CRETE A SPECIALTY. JNO. F. HOWLEK. janl7 3m