Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
AT THE CLTJB STABLES. U CREOLE," 21,702, Race Recori: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton. Cai. Sept. 23. 1893. ~>od pto<l tcfT *n.i a S»n;e race Wi .tan l for a Um wd ncnjbtT of H!.ovs »t FIK1'Y (>.v« POl I AL." KOK THE SV l'ON'. r«r»U e »• ūb.< : ■»:'uv fhis :s« • bml īa I8ST- to %. rnr-sū suirv - aad J -cvd tort.. -S» «tit* feh i^-im 33. II 13AV1S.
INTER-ISLAND PILOĪAOE. i Capt. william davies. ' — for tue P.u>t TWELVE YEARS in <> i o(' Iut. r-I>!!tnil Stc.»me - i ffers h - »e ri - - P[LO T TO ANV port or lan !i’tg ;n the B«w .iun Is’;md-». [y B--t ot n.-ferences, icqtiire ,U »ffce »f J. S. WaI RU iiver Sprvck . - b» tik. »; \V*iG!iT Brus., Fort Strvet. feb I4 lf. W. S.LUCE IWiue anel Merchant CimpbeU Fire-prnof Eloek, MEUCHANT 8T.. HONOLULUi 1 » H. MAY, & Co... ' \ Tea Dealers, < Coffee I’ Roasters jt AND Provision Merchants ( I 98 Fort Street. - Honolulu Families, Plantatious aml Sbips sapplied with eboicest Euwpean A.l menean Groceries California Produce by Eveiy SteTmer. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. i ThisFirst-class Batbmp Resort has been enlarged and is now open to tbe pablic. It is tbe best p'aee on tbe islamls to enjoy a bath and tbere is no better plaee to lay off. Special aeeoin- N modations for Ladies. Tramcar* pass tbe door «very half ho ran i J on Saturdavs and Snndays evf rv fifteen rainntes. C. J. SHERW00D Proprietor. — JUST KECEIVED fr. m -IAPAN I J 'l U ; 1 h j Several Kiml of Co:ton Crap3, * Latest Style of Shlrts in ditferent qoalines. 1 l{feat A$orlment 0! pofceiain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lauterns and many Cor.os saitable for Cbristmas Goods. 411 KING STRECT, Honoluiu. Teh-phuoe*. B--0 474. P.O. Bux S>6. Maioal 544, b>.13 !iu