Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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KAWAIAHAO COXCEliT. Tbe Pnpils nf Kawai;ibao 8emi nary will give a concert tlieeven ing of Muieh 3rd. Tlie proc(*e<ls to be nsed to pnrchase * piano for the school. Admission 50 cents. Secnre t : ck>*ts for the Kawaia Imo concert M»rcb 3rd. Tickets for s.i!e at Benson & Saiit!i s, Cast!e «fe C<>oke, J. T. Water house. Smith's, Lewers Ā Coofce i and Hawaiian N-*ws Co. feb 23-1 w LANDS AT AUCT:ON. By virtne of an order issned hy the Conrt throngh tli<» Chief Jnstice. Hon. A. F. Judd, in regard to the Case of ILLIAM WATS0N et al. against David Watson, tliere wiil be sold «t Pub!io Anction, at the Auction ltooms of James F. Morgan at 1*2 o’eloek iioon. on MONDAY. ! Marcb 19. 1894. All those pre- ; uiises sitnated at Kaneohe. Koolanpoko, Oahu; and uiore par-ticol.-»rlv designated «s follows. to wit: Lot 1 3.80-100 acres L.T 2 421 “ Lot 3 37.96 “ Lot 4 735 “ All are parts of RoraI Fat-nt 174 ‘o Panl F. Manini. f,oT 5 *20acres L tf> 20 “ LoT 7 •* i Lot 8 54.50 Lot 9 54 50 ** All are ptrts of those premisea convevetl bv Kamehamelia I\. to D.»rid Watsou. by «leed dated Dec. 2t). 1862, aud rec>rded in Liber 16. p ges 127 ood 128. T»tle perfect. at tbe ery»en3es of the Purchasers. For fnrther j»articidars apply to William C Aoai. Attoruey for ihe Commissio;i* i , or to S. M ‘ AAUKAL Comtnis8ioner. Honolnla, Feb. 23, 1801