Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

JThc <Talmdar. February, 1 8« M Tn \V;Th Fr S«» Moon'» Ph»*e* I 2 3 N>« Moon, TT F*hr»»rr i. 4 5 G ~ t 9 M piprt i>s«rte-. Febn«MT 13. Foll Mo-' e. I ( * ■* ( oj 24 Febroary 16. — ‘ — - - i .na!ter. 2-» 27 2> F*-braarr 27. U 12 13 14 15 1« 17 Mail Service. 8Je* , '>fihip“ will ie*re for 3tnl arr v«* frnrn San Fnnriseo »d<1 other fon-ijrn port«. on or »l»rot the •iatea, tiil the eloae of ism.

i*rom tbr iVatfr-,t‘roat. FEB1UJARY 23, 1804. Vessels in Port. NAVAI. VESSELS. H B M '< S ('hamn'on, Kooke. P S S \dani*, NoIhou. I’ S S l’hila l ■•phī », Barker. H I J M’s S Kuniwa, Togo, Japan »IERTHANTMKS. Aiu hk (ialveston, Jacnbsen, Ainoy. Hr sli A’illa'la, llarlaixl. Liverpool. Am sh <,' F Si»ri;eiit, Bov l, Nauaiuio, BC. Ger hk X:»utilus, Assni!i, Liver|>ool. Ilaw bk K 1* Hithet. Momaon. S P. Am sh II I’ <’heney, Moahe,*, Nanaimo B C. Ambk MaiiMa, Swenson, De(>artnre Bay. Aiu sehr Camer D«ve. Bram)t, Newcastle. A iii sehr Bol*ert S< arles, Piltz, N’ewcastle. Aiu V>k Ahleu Besse, Friis, SF. Am V>k S C Alleu, Thoiu|>sou, S F. Aiu bkt Inupanl, Schumlt, S F. Foreigu Vessels Expected. Am bk Harveater S F (Ililo).. .lan 21 Haw bk Brewer ishl Nov 7).. N V M.»r l-ō Ger bk J O Glade,. . I.iverpool Apr 1-10 Bk Nautip(>e N S \V Jan20-.11 Aiii s«‘hr Salval<‘ •. .,.N S \V lan 29 Aiu bkt Milo N S W Jan 11 Haw bk Leahi N S \V Feb 5-10 1 rman I> Fost* r N S \V Feb 12 Am wh l>k Gayhe.nl. New /ealaml,. Ma;‘— Ani Mi~t>k Str. ,South Se.»s.Mur S-l.*> Jap stiur Aikokn Mam .. vukobaum Apr 9 Aui bk Auiy Turner. . .NVw York.July 1-10 Am schr W S l’hel(>s. ,Gray’s Har. Feb 1S Am schr O M Kellojjg,Or»y's Har..Feb 21 Am schr Stanford .. NS W Feb 30 Am schi Geneva.... . N S W F V» 21 OSS A>istralia San Fran...Feb24 Aiu bk CI) Brvaut... S,»u Frau., . .Feb 22 Am bkt S «J WiMcr. San I’ran... Feb 21 C an>l AS S A.awa. Yanoon vcr... Feb. 21 An bkt l‘lanter S»n Fnm . .. Feb 24 Am bkt S N Castle .S »n Fn»n. . Fet> 2t> Am scbr Olga S F (Mah)... ,Feb 20 Am sehr \uu.a S F tKah) Peb 27 t’ au 1AS S \V irriuu»o.. \tistralia..Feb 2S Am sl» ttcoitleut..l. . I)epartuxc B. Feb 2S i Am s» hr Cvros Kiup NS W M.»r 1 <> A O S 8 Oeeauie San I'mn.... l'a • 0 Am blm \V II Dimond, Snu Fran Moh 1 Ger bkls M. ilueklehl I.omlon Juae 15 to 20 Departurcs. FnnAY, Fcb. 23. Simr W G llall for Hawaii porteSttur Mikahala f«r Kanai ports. Along the Wharves. The sliip D. P. CUen rt v is at Kinau wharl. She expects to l.e disobarged next AVe lues day. The bark N.«utilus i« «t L kelik' wharf. The bark H. P. Iuti;et lias haa'.e»! from DiU n,-h*m wliarf t<> the Kinau dock. where stie will reoeive sugir «hieh rnav b* bronght to th i- j»ort bv tlie Kinau. The schooner C irrier Dove and the bark Matilda are at Fort street dock, i»oth »lisdiarging eoal. Sohoonor Kobt Searle and the bark AUlen Bessa are at O. S. S. Co.'sdook. Have duished loading, an.l are rcady for sea. They wiil probably get away to»lav or tomono«r. The ship C. F. Sargent is at Brewer’s wharf. Sho will most likely g©t away tomorrow after the arrival of the mail. Tbe bark lialveston is at Br«»vers wharf discbarging her cargo of Chinese goods. Tue bark >ntine irmganl is still lying at Uie o!d costom hoaae wharf.