Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Native Sons of the Soil. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Native Sons of the Soil.

S>>ns! thr d«y is dawniug, Panuae con»es, thy Uu>l to blcss, | Bn*iks there ao« a clearer moruiug. Flasuevl aud criuvsoaed wilh sa«*x»s? N'«tiTe Sous. lhy st*r is rs’tig, Abore the b>Uows of tbe past; Years of toiI ani sitcri6ciQg . G*in their jus! rew*ri *. Lu>t. Ooae is v«s;«rd«j forever. Comes to~lay its plaee to fill; Stnve witu evrry struug en leavur. Mskv lo-aweow gt«ater stiil! 1 Oawanl yet *ud yet pre>gret«mg, High ex*« thy country« f*rae, Low aa>l jastice ae er t-**asgtea»iiig, Erer keep a epolleea aame. ; S»t!Tts Sons! when foes *re rotsnd thee, Meet them with und*uuwd uuea, Force them tu *dmit, sons ol Hjw.ii, They fuaad you, loy*i to your Q ieea! Tbe bark S. C. Allen is still at tbe Fisb mar<et wbarf. YilUlta is in the stream. Wuitmg to loail. East Croft is at D;llingbaiu‘s wbarf, disch trging.