Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — A Lightning Story. [ARTICLE]
A Lightning Story.
Tiie scJilen dish. an<1 innued:i | ate crash, daring ihe thander- ! >torm vestertlay afternoon causevi qnite a eommolion in nnJ abnat [ the Ticinity of the old Brll (Tower. an<l Fort street The fire la.Mies vrere in ''ooi «>f tne wet,” in mv of thein in 1n gi >g in a siesta. when the artiilē!y ol'ihe doads let go the nearer iep-irt -»nd whieh soand bro>c5it the men out qn;ckly, expecting und ready for an alarm of fire. Several proprietors of st-.res ou Fort street, soug'it a.ss»istance, of brother droggists. be!iev;ng they »ere hit by tbe e!ectric fiu:d. A Chinese had i h<>rse and wigon
hitched ont--ide the Club st.ibles md the liorse. b,dieving the vicinitv dangerons, tne l to eseape fi\>ui the wagOn, but he only f>-ll and wrecked the \vagon. I The little event CHUsed a. rtm»or to l>e spread that a mm, a woram. a horse. nd wagon, and, | fitiiillv. th:»t the Club Stib!e», 1 had been str'*.ck by lightn'tig, j and an excited crowd of eurions • ones c«thered about the St ihl j s. n
The oppr»rtanity w.ts t »k*n ad* I : vanta"e of by Prof. Davis who dilated upon the rnerits of his i lmrse Creole as being lightningproof and baving a record eqnal ! j led by none. Yesterd ty’s brief ! storm and especially tlie d:stinct i , Iy nnderstandable uearness of tbe i ‘ death dealing electric tinid caused many }>eople to take a rapid ( retrospective view of the*r past and plan a radical change for the I futnre. Featherbeds were a very appreciable appendage to many a domus and it is judg-*d that several brave lady correspoudents j became, in act, real annex »tiou- | ists.