Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 23 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Anchor-:-Sa!oon Ex “AUSTRALIA." Another Invoice of the orld R« nowned FredericksburgLa ( 'er Beer Oq dr!iught aml hy tbe keg. - Also, as a Speciallv. S *4ALL FxESH CAl r iA A OYSTERS. FO1 ’ COC lvT A 1LS { 2*2 lm T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST.. Uonolulu- : : 1T. 1. } GENERAL'NH Commission $•«- ■**: M<‘r(‘luiits — AND — SUGAR FACTORS. AGENTS FOR I.Ioyi1s :— Bntish »nil Foreiyn Marue Insnranee Comp«ny, ī.ieiile.l. Northt-rn Ass - ini' ee (’■>, tire ,v !if> Piont-er L:ne of l’ackets fruiu Lfvet(XK>l. Mawahau Line ot Packtts. Cauadiau Pacific Railway Co. ax» Canadiau-AEslraliaa StcanisliiD Co. LivERrooL Office: The All>any, OM Hal!St. febl6-3m GEE WHI2! Xew Soii£j:s, i Xe\v Hecitations, X"e\v Inxtrumental und 33and Selections The I atest and Best receive by the stean er .Monowai, are now on t\h bit on ,.t the Popular Phonograph Parlors, r!ington Block, Hotel Street. Don't mistake the Location. fe!9 MORTGAGEES >OriCE OF FOBE6LOSURE. In AOCOBDASCE WITH THF PROVIFit»ns of a cert;tīn ror csge m»!le ! v K\UHANF. NAKUINA o WM. C ACP.f, da‘ed the 5th d»y of November 1891, :eo,r’ed in L ber 531. ( 373, ..ni dcly assiine>l U> Lan Ch»n;, not ee ;s her«hy give i that the m >rtg p-e inlen ls to fore-cl->s« tbe -s-me for eon iiliomi bn>kea, to wlt: Don-|<eyment >f iotere.st mA pnnci(Ai. No'.ioe is hkewi&> given tiut »fvr ihe exy:r*ti >n of th. -e w-ev* fron; she iate oi lh:s uoāee. the pr.>j>erty conveyed by »aid mortw!i be advertHtsi for mle at pohlie siolion *t the Mctk>D room- ot James FM .rs»n, in Uonoia u, UN VFJl)NKSDAY, tbe 14th day of M*rch, M94 .U 12 nnon, of nidday. Det»l nonolaln, Febm.vxr !?, Is9l. L\U CHOXG, A»eignee - f Moft'aeee. The j re«n>-es covere l by s.id t.ortga2e cr>;jsist of—4 aeawa »’’.’!.• (■ :a H >;■ e, Hua, M.iai. »ud conveye ! t M id -n >rtj?igor by KxL»w \, by .Wd d*te i llu- 25Kb d«y of Aagnst, IS8.\ *od reoord ,-! in Liber »3 pt ges 102 *nd 103. feol7-3w | POCXD M ASTER’S N0TICE. NoUee u hereby given tc *n perrotM, ibst tbere is a! lbe tiovenuuent Poaod «t M*kiki, s »trared honu-oM bhuk ho se brand M uul 3 olber bonse«. Aay porsois or ponomi owuiag tbis eow are m)n«dei to eoom u>i take Ihe «uue on or befi>re 12 u’eloek noou oi SATURDAV, M*rch 10, !>W. JAM£8 KUKONA. Poand Maj> ; r. Makilo. Feb. 23, 1804.