Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 February 1894 Edition 02 — They Love Hawaiians. [ARTICLE]

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They Love Hawaiians.

.— i The Advfrtiser is in a very Ioving mood this morning, and it refers to some of Professor i Alesander’s latest eflasions to prove how gre.dly he and the rest of the missionaries love tbe ' Hawaiians. Mr. Sereno E. Bis- ■ hop is also quoted as a “lover” i of the natives —the Advertiser doesn’t say if it is of the males or females, and it quotes a reraark of the “reverend’’ (sive the ; mark) geutleman (??) whieh he used in an article in 1883, and whieh was used by James Schonler in his great article on Hawaii. We will also reproduce it and i compare it with Mr. Sereno E. i Bishop’s reraarks iu tbe lndepen- I • dent in 1894. A change must ; have eome over the dreams. and i over the “love” of the “rever s end” during the last six ycars. Perhaps he is getting too old to “love” any raore , “The Hawaiian race is one . that is well worth saving. With , i all their sad frailties, they are a | noble race of men, physicaliy and i morally. They are mnnly, • j courageous, enterprising, cordial, . j generous, unsolfish. They are [ highly receptive of good. Thev ; lovo to look forward and apwam, , though very facile to temptations ; to slide bactward anddownward. t In an nuusu.il degree they possess [ a capacity for kind and ardent ■ enthusiasm for noble euds. —(*8. ; E. i n 1SS&.) “There are two great paities in Hawaii. One is the party of > heathenisra and absoiutism. It • is represented by the debauched • ex-Queen, who attempted toover thr*>w the constitution and estab . lish the Louisiaua lottery in Honolulu. On her side are all » the Kahuna sorcerers and ido!at > ers, all the white oorruptionist> l and those who wish to mak, > Honolnlu a centre for the maau > facture and distnbntion of opiam t tngether with the lowd ane t drunkcn majority of the nativ > race ivho wiU largdy l>g Vu • l“craiive nrostitution of Vte>> • fernales to iue wifeles9 Ohineee an, ' Japmese, some 25 000 of th< latter classes to the ll.OOo adul’ uative women. In ailianee wit tbis heathen monarchical part' are a majority of the 1,500 Bntid residents, who oppose Araeriua inAneuee and are led by th< British Minister.” —(&. K. Bish p in JS9l)