Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVIES. I? StevecIore and AVrecker. KSTI3f .VTES AXD COXTR VCTS 0 N* ALL KIM\s oF WOIiK. The Schooonor MAHLMAHI. will nm regaLiriy this port an l Waialaa. Ka».-uhaptti, Mokaleia, KeaweUui »nd Kmki onihe Ulaud of Oahn For Freight, etc , app!y to the C’*ptain. Best of References—Inquire at Olho a of J. S. W alkor, ovi r Sprecfcels B;iuk, or Wright Bros. Fort Street. dec 16-tf LEWIS i C0. toholesale and Retail Grocers A.\D provision dealers. FRESR CALIFORNIA SALM0N ON ICE By Every 8*n Fraacitco Steumer. Salt Salmox ix Barrels a Specialty. III Fort S/., Honolulu. T«t. 240 , P. O. Box 29 j. ~ 1 ***■— ■ - - - _ _ CHAS. CIRDLER, Importer anel Comniission Merchant. SPECIALTIES: • • A F- Conts’ Moehine Thread Jonas Brocks’ Maehine Thre*d Bnrbour s Linea Thread Pean>’ So*p P. 0. Boi 358. Mninal Tcli j.hot»e 396 13 Kaahnmana Street. plaiional Inon Wonl^ QC£EX Stkeet, Between Alakea t fe Richnrd Sts. THE l Sr>ERSKtXED *re p •pannl ?o • make rl! kinda of Iron Rns>, Br< aze, Zino, Tm and Lead Ca*ting“-. Alao • General Repair Shoj> for 8teain Enginea, Rice MilU, Corn MiUa, " »t«r W'h-e!.-., Wiod Milh*, etc. Machines tor the CIc-anir..-. t e. Caator Oil», ilean-, Kamie, Sisal, I*ioeapple Lenres k oth» r Fihr ns l-«nt», And P»j er Stock Alao Maehinee for Eitnictinp Starch froaa the iLaeioe, Arro» Ko. *, etc. IV All Order» {iromj»tly aUeoded 1. -VHITE, RITMAN O. CC. dEMEKT gIDEW^L^ AXD Curbing Laid. Estimates given on all kinds of 0tone, CQqci<0t8 \ pia$te? Co.VCRETE A SPECLVLTY. JVO. F. BOWf.KR. janl7 3m