Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

I ProvisionaI liou'noeūl I — | OFFICIAL LIST OF ME.M BERS AND L0GATIUN OF BDKEADS. E.ucmvs Cou.vcil. S. B. P-.*si !«*Tt nf t*i-' Pr*>vī«t >uaī iī**vPril. tn<*nl nf thi* H i»!«t;i«n «nJ Mialstrr nf J. A. Kine. Mini*it«‘r *f ĪV' Interi«r. M. D.»raun. tīini'ternf Fimi!!ce. W. O. Smith. AttorneyAJeneral. Ai>nsoRv CorvciL. W. C. W!Mer. Viee-PpesMent of the Pmt i«ion«l Oovernmcnt of the ilaurait*n IsUn.i«. C. Bo!te. John Fromelnth. Ceeil Bmwn, E. D. Tennev. John Nott, W. F. Allen. John Fna, Henrv W«terhou«e. James F. M*>rfan A. Vmimr. 8 hr. F. M. Ilaī. h, J*w. P. Memlunea. Chas. T. Ru<lgers, Secretarv Ex. an<i Adv. eonneiU. Stpeeme CofKT. Hon. A. F. JmW, Chief Iustiee. Hon. K_. I. Bioker!on. Firs{ A"**eiate Justiee, Hon. M . F. Fre *r. S*eon*i A" s iate Justi* *‘. Henrv Smitr>, Chief Clerk. Geo. Lue> «. Def*nty CIerk. C. F. Peterson,See' nd Iieputr Clerk. J. W«lter Joues, Stenographcr. i ClRCrtT JfDC.ES. Fir,t Circuit: O.hu SeeondCireuit: ( i(aui) A. N. Kepoikai. Th*ni and FourthCire"its: (Hawall)?. UAnilin Fiftb Circuit: eKauai) J. Hardy. Oflie-s and Ci*urt-room in Court Hou«e. Kiuu street. Slttliuf in {Imolnlu—The tirst iu Februiry, May. Angustaiid Xc vember. Depa ktvt e of Fokeics Arr.uns. i Offieetn C:pitol KulMi g, KIng strcet. Hi» Exeelleuey aauforJ B. Do.e. .Mimster of Foreliin Affairs. Ooo. C. Pott«r, .■5eeret rv. W. Horace Wright, Liouel Hart. Clerks. Df.PARTMS.VTor ĪVTERIOR. Offiee in Executive Bniidinv, King street. His ExoeIIe:iey J. A. Kin e , Minister of Iuterior. Cnicf Cīer*t, J*>h * A. H«ss nger. Assista it Clerks: J«mt*s H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole. «lephen Mahauiu, George C. Kos., E*lvn.rd ■*. Boyd. BrRKAf OF AGRICCLTCRE ASD F *Ur.STRT. President: Ilis Exeellencv **ie Ministcr of lnterl**r. Wm. <i lewin. Allau H*;rbert, John Kna. J**seph M.,rsdeu, Co.-ami--iou< r and Secretary. CHIKFS 0F BCREACS, IVTSR10R n*rABTMEVT. 8areeyor-GeneraI. W. 0. V>x ind. r. supt. Puhl e w ,rks. W. E. Koweln -~iipt. Mater W* rk', An*lrvw Rrown. Inspeet< *r, E’ectrie Ught,«. John <>ssidv. Kcttistrur *>f C irveyaiict*s. T. <i. Thrum. Road8nperviaor.il p.oluiu, W. |{ < u:nmiig». <"hief Englne*-r Fire Deot.. Jas. H. Hnnt. Supt. Inaane Asyium, Dr. A. jtcWavue. DErARTMEVT OF FtVASrR. Office, Executlve BuiMing, King »treet, *<iiii»ter of Plaanee, His Exceileney 8. M. Dumon. Auditor-Generai, Ge nr>* J. R «». Kegistr rof Aeccnnts, W. *ī. A'hlee. Clerk of Einanee Oīliee, Ē. A. Melnemv, Col eetor-G-- neraI <*f Cnatom. J -. 8. c*st!e. T«x Aasesaor. Oihu, J >;i... s-i « Depnty Tr.x Aaaeaa r. W. e. Wee<lon. Pjstn.aster-Gener J, J. Mort o-t. Cv»t>ms Bcreac. Office, Custom Hona*. Esplanade, Fort street. Co.teolorOnermI, J«». R. Ca«tle. I*eputy-Co’ eet>r F. B. Mrt-t eker. Hsrbi*rTiB»ter. Capt«ia A. Fui;er. Pon S irreynr, M. v 8«n*!»r». st r reteep r, George C. 8tr»temcyer. Departmevt op Att»rvkt Geseral. Offlee in Exeeatlve Bui!ding, King «treet. Attomev-<Jererm;. W. O. 8mitn I>eputv Att»raey.Geuer-<l, >i. K. Wilder. Clcrk, J. M. Kea. Marsh«i, E. G. Hileheoek. Cl* rk lo M rshal, H. M. Dow. Depnty Mar»Ksī. Ankor M. Brown. Jaik>r t>»hu Prison, J. A. Ix>w. Piiaon Phy»ieian, Dr. C. B. Cooper. Board or Immigratiov. Pr-sl*l tit. *0« Eieeileuee J. A. Rir,g. Member »(the Board »f luiMkniioa: «ou. J. B. Alhenon. J>v B. <>»t>. H»n. A. 8. C*gfc m. J«me» G. rpetieer, Mark P. R bin« n. . secret jr, Wr*y Tay!or. Boamd or H E <lth. Offlre in gr*>urd» of Coart H >u»e Buildiog, eomvr uf Mi.iiam aod <iuean stzeeu. Memhem Dr. Day. Dr Mlner, Dr. Atwlrew». 1 T Waterboo»e Jr , John Ena. Tbeo. F. Lsn.slng «nd Attomey -<»ener«l 5tiith. Pre«dent— Moo. W. O 8mUh. Seeietary—ehaa. W leoi. ExecuUve t*fflcer—C. B. BeyDo!*t». Inapeetor » d Macagvx <*t GartMge ēerviee—L. L L» Pime. Ia»peet<-r—<L W. C. Jone». Port Phy>set»->, Dr.B. Andrew». I'U|>rn»»rT. Dr. M. W. iiowanL Lep>er 9etUetuedt, Dr. R. K. <Uiiver. Boar» *>r Edccatiom. Coart U >a*e Bnil<Ung, King *treet. * PT*si*Vnt, Hon. C. K. Kiahap SetTet«r>i. W. James sr:uta. In*P«et r ot «eiowl». A. T. A'.kīnaoe. Dt«r*icr eoen. Pohee St»lioo Bn:Miug. Merchant >ireet A.G. M E.>tvrt»oa. Wart>tr«t«. J«sib» A. Ihuapo», Cfo»a