Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 February 1894 Edition 02 — "Rats" in a Trap. [ARTICLE]
"Rats" in a Trap.
The great aiul on!y official up- i ho!der of tbe seleot c-‘terie who have cwucluded that they are to be j known as the progenitors of the now b”.sted Annexation scheaie, | the Hawaiian Stnr sometimes yclept Rnt* attempted t<i have a meeting of the stockholders last evening in the Chamber of Coramerce. but failed. This shows the dis—advantage of advertising in the Stnr. Liter. The merabers of tbe Star c »terie having one similar stamping ground raet by intuition, rather than bv effective advertising, at the r»oms of the Annexrtion C!ub last evening. Many of the stockhoider? made objection to ihe present ultra-radical and indecent maouer in whieh the pa{>er was being C’mducted and a change of edimrs was tn(-re th»n hinted at. The directors f «iling t»> oulain a necesaary maj irity to carry out their plan fur a m<>re reput<bie cooduct of the paper resigned m a body and tiieir resiguations are now in the haods of a committee. N"ext week a meeting is again proposed to take piaee at whieh a policy is to 1« presented whieh the editor must foIIow or . Nanaimo {B. C.) Feb. 6—W onl was received this evening of the b>tal loss of the steamer £stelīe, with all bands, on Oamphell river, at the northern end of Vancoover tslands. Tbe disaster was caused by the exp!osion of tbe steamcr's boiiers.