Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 February 1894 Edition 02 — TRUTH AND FICTION. [ARTICLE]
B 7 The S. F. Chromc’e's » i Misr-presentative. “ For a week before the b;p eelebrat;on of Hawaiī’s first independence anniversary on Jan. 17 h polities were dropped, but several incid-nts that occurred have revive<i the bitterness of | partisan feeling and may yet i le«d to serions tronble, Minister Wīllis has never been socordially detested as since his snub to the -Provisional leaders, and he is tabooed now by the whole American colony as thoogb he were a low-caste eoolie among the , settlement of Brahmins. Notwithstanding. the refnsal of J the foreign reprcsentatives to p.«rticipate in the execises of the day, and the failure of the four men of war in the harbor to dress ship or to give retnrn salnte, t : ie occasion was nr.questionablv the grandest in eveiy detail ever witnessed iu tbe countrv. Mueh indignation uatnrali}' prevailed among the Araerican iesidents, especially those belonging to the American League, over the refusal of the Amenean war vessels to salute the Araerican tlag whieh was raised over their headqnart ers.. Betweeu 10.000 and 12.000 people were present. A number of leading Amenean citizens have beeu interv;ewed by vonr represpntative, and in every iustance Minister Willis' action h is beeu decl-ired a promeJitated insnlt to the Government to whieh he is accredited and tothe Americans residiug ou the islands. Tlie American colony here de- i nounee Miuister Willis, claiming there is no excuse for hisconduc*t iu any sense, and that the Provisional Government would be serving him right to g:vo him his passports. Copies of the replies ; of Minister Willia aud Admiral Irwin to the Government’8 invitation were sent to Hawaiian Minister Thnrston by the Irwiu, whieh Ieft here ou the 17th. British Miuister Wodehouse refused to acknowledge tbe receii>t of the invitation. treating tlie m.itter with silent conteiupt. He refused even to ackuowlodge the right of the Provisional Government to celebrate the first auuiversarv of its establishment. lt is said that the Govorument will report Minister Wodehouse’s I conduct to the British Foreign Otlice, and some people have expressed tbo opinion that the Minister shou!d receive his passports and be sent out of the conntry at onee. Oue of the olficers of the Pliiladelphia to!d your correspondeut that Admiral Irwiu was the raaddest man in Hawaii when he received instructions from Minister Willis uot to attend the Government celebration. At the Council meeting on Tharsday, last, Mmister D.t mon announced that J. M . Girvin, now acting as Hawaiian Consul at San Diego, had been appointed to the position made vacant in the Post Oliiee by the removal of Mr. Rothwell. This ai.nouncemont has caused great ■ dissatisfaction to the party org.iniziitions, and Damon’s action i.as beeu sevei*ely criticised. ’