Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Au oM fasbion kona. is oo. at 3:30 p. m. The (>ch<x*l children got a half hn|iday tOiliy. The Councils met at 1:30 and adionrned at 2 p. m. The bark VeJooitv sailed for China vest«rdav afternoon. Government offic«s were unofficially ch*sed at noan today. The Naulilue Lae shifled to the Kinau dock; ftili loading sugar, I>eper« were exatulned at the Receiving Station at Kalihi yeeterday prep«ratory to a ehipment to Molokai. The :x>ar of tbe gurf was plain* lv heanl iu town last eveuiug. Au indication of coutinued bad weither.

! There will be a band concert at the i5t Looia College pround3 this evening. The b%rk R. P Rithet is «t Di!ii(igham , s wharf Iū*ding sugar. She wii! get away sbout the middle of uexl week. j There is a report, to the effect tbat the letter of the Chinese re- | sidents to the P. G. has not yet been answered. Tfie annual meeting »>f ihe Amtriean Relief Associ3tion wsg held in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce thia m rmng. ■ Cominaader Wbiting with his wife (nee Afong) will go to PensaeoLi, FIorida, he will take oharge of the U. S. Naw y»rd. i ' Fhe Inter-Ī8land steamers are making eiin f>r the Company bv t) e r constant trip« backward and fonrard to sugir ports, fullv laden. * The Holoml’a acknowledges the receijd of an invitation to be present this afternoon at “Special Exercises” in the drill sbed, but it is an anonymoas eommunieation The lightning this afternoon was vivid and close several tbunder crashes at abont 3 p. m. showed a nearness of the electr‘c cloud to be about 1,400 feet. Vr. II. U. Macfarlane who is one of Hoaolulu’a best knowu citizens maie his appearance in town again y>sterday after a long aheenee. He has, under the advice of physiciaus, been remainiug at Ahuimauu to recuj)erate hishealth, and his apj>earar.cc now indicates renewcd strength and vigor. Oue of Hitchcock’s spies got iuto the wroog j>lace Iast night aud ran agaiust a P. G. official who showed his resentinent against the presence of tbe uninvited “sj>otter” aud thrashed him with a trnnk strap iu a manner whieh woulil have done bbnor to tlie most espert schoolmarm undor “President” Castle’s bureau. Soene: Nunanu street.