Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A dvertisements J. KEMPNER, FasMonable 'lailop }ENTLIMEN'S SUHS ud OOTHING c V MADE TX» ORI'ER Good Varidy o f Fine Cloth in Stock. eieaninp and R'i>a{ring Seatly D>yne. Terms ReasoaabIe. Give me a Trial. 107 KING STREET. Oppcsite - l,^° n J Honolula r * ( Hoiel, \ fel

JOI?BER 0F Wines. Spirits, & Beers. HOTEL ST.. between Fort and Bethel streets. Hol£day Presents The nu<lersigned beg leave to eall the attentiou to a Iarge assortment of tastefnl aud elegant Jewe!rj", suitablc for Christiuas Pre*^nts. Hawaiian Flasr Pins in ditfereut sizes. Hawaiian J ewelry a specialty. If you waut to bny an elegant and at the same time an mexpensive Christmas Present, eall arouad and inspect my stock. THOS. LDiD8AT, Mcln«my BIock. Fort St.Hoa®la!a «ieel tl Sans Snuci HŪTEL, J | WAIKIKI, HOXOLCLD. First-C!ass Aeeommoaations for a Tourisis and /s/and Guests, SUPER10R 8aTHIHG FACIUTIēS. Frivaie Cotiages for Fami/ieS. T. A. S1MPS0N. oct9 Manaeer