Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 22 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Another Invoice of the orhl Renowued 1 Fredericksburff o LaQ,er Beer Oii draught and by t ho keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh Califorhia 0YSTERS, FOH CCCKTA1LS fe‘22 Im ŌEE WHIZ! Xe w Son , New 11 ee i t ations, Xew Xnstrumental and Baud Selections The I.ateht aad Be»t received bv thc sieamer Monow.«i, are now on exhibit;on t ihe I Popular Phonograph Parlor8, -\rlingt")n Block, Hotel Street. Don’t mistake the Loeaiion. fel9 tfORTGAGEE’S NOflCE 0F F0RECL0SURE. JS ACCORDANCE WirH THF PROVI=I ioi-i t>( » CCTt»in mortiO»ire by UUUANE NAKUINA to \VM. C. ACHI, at«d the 5t!i d*r of Soretnher 1891, x«■orled in L;ber 131, pag« 373, and dnlr -*ūgne<3 3o Laa Chot>£, noUoe is berebr I iven that the m>rtg inten<is to (ore- j l >«e thi >ame (or conditions broken. to 1 •U: nou-p*rm«:m o( interest and pnnopol. Nolioe i» like»vse "iren that a(ter the esrvtiou j( three weoU» (rom the d*te o( thn >tice, t:>' pn>perty conrered br s*id mortu»e «ili be *d»erti*ed (>r >«le il pnWie ictu>o *t the mnction rooms •>( (*mes F. ( nr*n. in Hoaolnhi, ON WEDNESI)AV, ie Uth d«y oi M*rch, 1 *t 1‘inoon, o( >id d*r. D*ted Honolnla, Febrn*iy 13i 1894. LAU CHOXG, A*i>igaee o( Mo(tgagee. The | rem;-es corerei by »ud n*ortgage >nsist of—4 scie» ail i.le in Hunre>, Han*. | Uni, *nd conreyel to »ud uK>rtg*gur by -i*l*wtt. by d«e>.i d*i«d the day oi An■n*s, 1883, *nd recor>.le-i in Liber 83, 92 *nd 103. febl7-3w WANTED The followiog nnrnbers of tho Holomua; 1SS3. M«y 30 Jaly 25. - 27 “ 2S. AagXo. 33» 369 56* 370 591 502 503 Tea eenU & copy of eaeh nom ber vill be paid ut tbe Holomla office. tf