Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — The Minstrel Show. [ARTICLE]

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The Minstrel Show.

The benefit entertaiuuent | given by a nu:nber of amatuers ; fur Mr. W. B. A.sh last Saturday night at the Opera Hoose : was a success aml all the numbers were ! appreciatetl bv the andience. Thesteady rain whieh felldurlng the evening prevented mmv froin going to the show aud the House was consequently not so w;-!I fil!ed as co’nld have been desired j ind expectad. Professor Berger with his orchestra played “en- ' chantinent” as an overture in n I verv clever and pleasing innnner. Tht*re were also wellicnd-rod i solos for pieeolo (L. Barsotti), cornet (Kreuter/ and a clarionet duet (Keogh acd Naone). Mr. Edisou showed hi-nselfas aclever comedian, aud Hoogs,and Cuelho saag soveral songs whieh were r-ceive 1 with app!ause. Little Della Ash sang » lnllaby and as ! an encore the irrepressble “Aft3r ’ tbo bawl.” Dr M'/ore presented | his three veiy clever dol!s who spoke wonderfullv well by proxy. They gave several polilieal bints —Nancy Divies bemg quste eloqoent. Tbe Ductor is evident- i ly aa experts ventriloquist. Messrs. Bitman. Ordway, aod i Hennessey are always favorites of i any Honololn andienee, Mr. ( Chester Doyle with his fand of good hnmor and locaiised songs kept tbe aodieuce roaring and wonld have been recalled daring the rest of the evening. The song whieh made the greatest hit i was Mr. Doyle’s ”So would I” | whieh we some day wiil pnblish. It is hoped that the result of the « erening was satisfactory to Mr. t Ash. i i