Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — Honolulu Musicians. [ARTICLE]
Honolulu Musicians.
Something over the signatate of -1 Re$ident in last aight s Buli le(in tukes occusion to pass some ilisagreeable remarks against Mr. j Plunkett the manager of the Misses Albu. The reāection on Mr. Plunkett seems to us extremely uncalled for. Mr. Plunkett has alreaily explaine(.l himself in the Advrtii&r this morning as far i «s the alleged remarks of his are : eoncerned. AVe desire to eall A ‘ ; Re*ident'* attention to, that tuis i community does not support any | of coneert singers whieh remains here for any leugth of time. Mr. Plunkett has staid bere with the Misses Alba for nearly three months and tbe party has ceitainly expended: maeh more money during their | stay, than they ever took in here. Concert singers of tbe ability whieh the Misses Albo bave sbovn do not make a hnaneial suocess of concerting bere. The espenses are very high. Tbe pric©s for tickets very low and
I - ' I tfce aadience patrotiz ; np the eon i eerU s!together too smati in proporiion to tfce expea»es incarred. Tfce Misses All»u eame here to spend • montb in recreation. Tbev faave ev;deiitly lisei the countrv and extended their visit cons derably. If tbere was sofficient patronage Mr. Pj.nnkett wonld j andoabted!y be only too h*ppy to give a concert as often as he • could indnce tbe ladies to sin iT i f bnt tb.it be shoal 1 be abased for refasing to lose money bv giving conceris not weli attended seems both unjnst, nnfair, and ungentlemsnly. I:Mr. Flnukett had said that the a!Ieged mnsicai portion of oar commanity generailv exhibit a verv vnlffar • • C* music:il taate and honestlv eujov a lahleau or a tigbt-rope {>erfortnance. or a minstrel show mneh better tban genuino gooil mnsic —he woakl not have b- en very wrong.