Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — Deceiving Themselves. [ARTICLE]

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Deceiving Themselves.

TLe tusnner in whieh the P. G. organs r*‘ftd and inter|>ret McCrearv’s r(8olution «*n Hawaii is a good illcstrat on f f tbeir ineli natiocs to sooth th<3ir followers with f-ilse hopes. It is impossible that the few annexstionists who vet poss«*8 nonnal brain» and ordinaiy power of ‘,hinking ean fnisunderst-ind Ihe tceaning nnd intention < f that resolution. They trythough,t* make capital out of the nou interference clan.se as if it had aoy bearing opon their case. The Democr.its approve of Cleveland’s policy. What was Clevelnnd'8 policy? To restore the governraental aflairs in Hawaii into the statns in whieh it was previous to Minister Stevens unlawful iutc‘i-ference with our domestic e,ffair8. Why is that Cleveland*8 policyf Because it is Lis principle that the United States should not interfere with tLo doroestic affairs of another independent governraent. The McCrcary resolutionendorses Cleveland’s view and approves of his intention to restore the *tatu* <j>io in Hawaii, and in the future avoid interference i j the affairs of other conntries. How any other interpretation ean be g ven wo fuil to see, and we are iuoreover suro that Mr, Cleveland — endorsed by the people in his Huwaiian po!icy—is not going to muke hiroself ridiculous by stopping half-way. The interference clause refers to the Harrison— Stoveus policy whieh is eondemnod, and it out!iues the future policy of the United States —after Cleveland has carried out hia approved policy and rectified the wrong done bv Stevens. If, however, tiie P. G. organs succeed in administoring soothin<; syrnp to the ditferent clubs and leaguts bv reading Ihe McCrearv resolution, as it is supposed old Niek reads tho Bible, there are no reasons whv we. should kiek. But it shows nextLer eoiniuoe sense uor political intelligencc on tho part of the unnexat ; oui.sts to accept the absurd interpretations of Messrs, Castle and Smith.