Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVIES. I\iir£rer, Steveclore ANn AVreckei\ EiTISC.\TES AND COSTR-VCTS OX AI.L KIXDS OF WOEK. Tho Schoocner MAHIMAHI. will rnn r*'2nfc»Hy hft»wn th:s jx'rt an.I W Aiilaa. Kawaihapni, Moknleia, K<M«eaui ■nd Kaiki on th« w' in.i ul G.thn For Freight, ete , spply lo the Captaiu. Best of Keferences—Iurjuiro at Offie • of J. S. W;ilker. owr Spreckels' Bank, orWright Bros Fort dec 16-tf LEWIS & C0. ho!esale and Rctail Grocers AXD PB0VISI0N DEALERS. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every 8an Fr.iaciscu S!t;iiner. Salt Salmox ix Baurels a Specialtt. /// Fort Sl., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 2qj. GHAS. CIR0LER, Impoilei’ and Commission SPECIALTIES: J. & P. Coats’ Maehine Thread Jonos BruokH’ Maehine Thread Barbonr’a Linen Threu<l Pears’ Soap P. O. B<)i 358. Mntoal Telephon>- 356 13 Kaahamann Street. plaliional Inon Woi^ QC£F.X Stkef.t, Between Alakea <fc Hiehanl Sts. THE UKDEBSIOXED «re (Rp*Rtl 10 make rll kinds o( Iron Braas. Bronze, Zinc. Tin aud Lead A!so a General Repair Sbop for Steuin Eugines, Kiee MilU, Corn MilU, Water WheeU, Wind Mill*. etc. Maehinea lor ihe eieaninp o( C«ator Oila, Beans, Kan.ie. 8isal, Pineapple Le*ves k otber Fil»rvns Plai.l», Aud Paper SUxk Also Maehinea for EstractinR Stareh fro» tue Manio*', Arr»w Root, etc. XFtT All Or>!er» promptly uttea :«• i t >. >VHITE, RITMAN CC,
CEMENT glDEV^Ll$ A?CD (Jpaiiit8 Laid. Estimat*. s given on all kinds of 0tone, Woi^ CONCRETE A Sl’EClALTT. JNO. F. BOWf>R. jaul7 3m