Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Oeneral A.dvertisements. A TAST COSSTANT LHE 0F SCHOONEES— AmHe 0|prtiliitT iLL Ownng to Ocr Coc5taDt'v IccreaB:Dg BusiDes8 acd the Great Demscd cf «o Ap|recihtiDg Coo)munitr, we have coocioded to offer an cpp<rtunitv to all {>arties having capiUi.-OUR LISE 0F SCUO<J>ERS tmy be seen g!iding over the Bar, fi led to the ; r ctmo«t cirryirg eapae ty, w th CLEAR. COOI- axd LwVIGORATING Fr ' d lxport bu ' 9 {LAGEE, EEEE, Atthe “Anchor Saloon!” To accoramodate Oor Vcst F'eet of Scboooers, we have bailt a Fiue, Ltrge Rtlr ; gerator, Kegardles8 of C<st. fcfc^-rLc3e.ox,” Is tho ooly plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on draught ean be Lad in Honolulu. Step forward Gentbmen now is the time. NOTICE ! The Unders'gned has Received from the Eastern States Tlie Largest Single Order of BILLIARD MATERIAL Evcr Importcd to tho Islands. It Coucludes as Follows: Clotb, 3 grades; Cues, assorted; Cusbiou8, by Block, patent; Billiard Balls, composition and ivon*; Pool Balls, do., do. Tips, Chalk, Pocket Castings, witb lcather and fringe, complete; Pocket Nettings, fringe and leather; Rubber Covers, Conrt Plaster, green aud hlaek; New Style Cbalk Holders, Triangles, Shako Balls and Loatber Bottles ; Pool Pius, Markers, ctc., etc. The above Goods bave been Purchased at Reduced Kat<«, and the undersigne<l 5s now prepared to do any and ali kinds of B1LLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonab!e rates witb dispatch. Also new and second haud Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please Apply to J. P. BOWEX, Perry Block. Hotel St., Honolulu H- E. § Bf^O IMPORTERS ASD DEALERS IN Qroceries, Rrovisions A.VD Feed, EAST CORNER FORT<fe KIKG STS. New Goods Rec’d By everj* P*cket from Uie Eastern States and Europe. Fresh Califomia Produce by every steamer. AIl orders faithfully attended to, and 6oods delivered to any paxt of the city FREE OF CUARGE. laland Ordero Solicited. Satisfaction Goaranteed. Post Offlee ho% Mo t 146, Telephea« Ko.