Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton. Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. P oood tnd m gmiiJ m* now*. Wi!l <ua<lfor * t»n«oer of auw*^ Pl.-iW* DOLLA«S FOR THE !>K-\SON. p»y*h* f '* rrw - T ~* h '^ »as bmi iit 1> '- to foftr-»s suf><* : { rt T‘ l ' r feb 17-im IX 11 DAVIS.

!NTER-ISLANDPILOTACE. Capt. WILLĪAM DAVIES i - _ POK TUE Pa,: ĪWPLPE VEAR> in oomoiiu.i o' Intez-Islind Steanjtrr4, i-fiers his eerr.c*-' IM I A) r r to any pon or Liu.iiug in t’.e Ha» ūinn I»liinds. iy Best 'A leLienw?, iuqn!re «t offioe of J. S. Walkkk .>v.*r S.>rt-. - ktrs be.uk, or Wright BtOb., Fort Strwt. £eb U tfW.S. LUCE Wine anel Spiritj Ierchant C<vnpbell Fire-proof llloek, MERCHANT ST.. HONOLULU i i i H. MAY, & Co,. Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AND | Provision Merchants 98 Fort Street. *' Honolulu Families, Plantations and Ships supplie<l with cboicest Enmpean tCul meneanGroeeries C;ilifornia Prodnce by Every Stevmer.

Long Brancli BATHING Establishment. TbisFii-st-class Bathing Resort has been enlar£od aml is now open to tbe public. It is tbe best plaeo on tbe islanils to enjoy a bath anJ tbere ia no better plaee to lay otl. Special aeeomnuxlations for Ladies. Tramcars I pass the door ever>- half hourand | on Satnrdays and Snndays everv fifteen minutcs. 0. J. SH£RWOOD Proprietor,

JDST KECRIVKD fr m .lAI’AN Sf*vora! Kiu«l of Co.ton Craps, Latest Styfe of Shfrts iu <lifferout qnaluies. A$ortment of popeelain Tea Seta a Specialty Japanoso Lanierns aml many Cnrios saitable for Cbristm8> tioods. 411 KIXG STKEET, Honuluīa. T<rleptoiits, IV11 471. P.O. &.* 3S6 MauialM. a 12 lui