Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — A DESPARADO [ARTICLE]
A Smuggler Stabs Two Poliee Officcrs. Josej*h Ca&sideras, eook on the bark S. C. Allen whieh arrived in port here from San PnaneiMo lately, a man known to the jx>lice as a smupg’er bas added to record by again being captare-i. «nd, in attempt;ngto escaf>e. Laving dangerously stabbed wo poliee officers
Xhe circnmstances as related, are that C issideras ’ had made otfort to sell some opiam to a ehinaman. Tl»e expected bnyer informed officei Kanhane, one of the uelectires of Cantain Larsen’s foroe, and he. Kauhane aud Kaouli weie detailed to ca;»tnre tiie smuggler. Officer Kaoali waited in the vieinity of tlie vessel on whieh Cassideras was engaged. About 7 p. m. Cass.deras eanie on sbore uud w<»s shttdowtd by tlie detective unti! nenr tbe corner of King and Maunakea streets when an atterapt of arrest wis made Cassideras iramediately beoarae desperate and dropping the opium whieh be had with him draw a dagger some twelve inches iu lengtb and two inches broad and cat and jabbed at the officer Detect ve Kanhane who was close at hand eame on tbe sce:ie and iinmediatelv close»l with the des j>erate smmaggler tlirowmg hini to the ground. Deteroiined to escape if j>ossible the rnnrderons Chilean cut nnd slashed with his knife roacīiing Kauliane in iuanv j>laces the most serious being on tho anns aud legs. Both officers had their hands cut seriousin the endeavor to get the kuife away frcm their j>risoner. Kauhane stuck to his man however und although bleeding from manv womuls, he clubbed his mnn into quietude, and the smuggler \vas then bronght Station. There exuraination was had of the officers wounds by | Dr. Cooper an»i both were ordered iuimediately to the ! hospital Tud iy botli officers are in grett pain and at one ; time it was thonght that Kauhane wou!d die, but he has since rallied. The desperado smnggler | is in the station, and eviuees nu , contrition for his crime. The American ship B. P. Rithet is at tbe Mail wharf discharging eoal. W heu discharged | she will load sugir for San Fran- ; cisco. Mew jtostagy staraps, ordered by the Provisional Governmeut from designs by Mr. E. N. H>>Ids worth have been receive»l from Xew York and will be distribut“d to the public iu the near future. The Brit;sh lion ynd Englisli coat of arms look verv mueh out of j)lace over the doorway to the business house, on Queeu street. of that mueh vaunted sj>readeagle Amenean citi7.en, Johu Thomas Waterhouse. two stools,” etc.
— Mr. George Tyrol the sa ling master of the yacht Tolna, of whieh Couutess de Festetics is commatuler. will be sorry to heir of the loss of the steamer C. R. j 1 bishop as he was the sai!mg master ou that vessel, on her 1 3,000 miles cruise ie search of : the Lady L.mpson's missing boat. | ' t ; i There was a very heavy raiu i pour last eveuing from 5 to 7 o’eloek. Many streeis were flooded but no damage was done j ■ eicept fo the ro d beils. It was noticeable th d Adams r !ane acted as a conduit for a great amount of water whieh fact being now reported raay tend to assist iu i giving a ll pointer” with regj»rd to l improved upjwr grades. . * t! A Board of E lacation has been ) appointed by the Executive i r Council and consisting of W. K. i . Castle, Antone Perry, M. M Scott, W. D. Alexander. Mrs. B f| F. Dillingham and Mrs. F. S. | ? I Dodge. Mrs. Dillingham and j r | Prof. Alexauder will ba approved : s | bv the pablic; but why Mr. Scott. I who U an empLyoe?