Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Advort.isemente J. KEMPNER, pashionable Tailor SUITS CLOTHING MAPE TO ORI>EK “^.2 Gotyl Variety of Fine Chtk in Cleaning and Rti*urin>j Xeaily D>>nr. Tcnns Reasonable. Give me a TriaL 107 K1NG STREET, fel
3L«- H. DEB' JOBBER OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers. HOl’EL ST.. between Fort aml Betbcl s*reets. I .. ■ : ' : ~=r~=r: \ Holiday Prescnts Tbe nndersigneil beg leave to eall the attention to a large assortmeut of tastefnl and eTegant ;Jeweln', suitable for Christmas Presents. Hawaiiaii Flaar Pina in ditferent sizes. Hawaiian Jewelry a specialty. If you want to bny an elegant and at tbe same tirae an inexj euaive Chnstmas Present. eall around «nd inspect my stcck. THOS. LIND SAT, ilcla*rnjr Biock. Fort St.Hon«lula cltci t( Sans Sauci > i HUIEL,, WLUKIKl, HONOLHLU. First-Class Aeeommooe tions for Tourists and /s/and Guests. SUPER!OR BATHIRG FACIUTIES. Private Cotiagea for Fami/ieS, T. A. S1MPS0N, cot ® Manaae».