Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 20 February 1894 Edition 02 — AN APPEAL. [ARTICLE]

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The * Aloha Aina " Leag.:e to Congr ss. To the Honomhle. tke memhen of the Sennte up I //> '■/ /?<s-rr 9tnt<itive* of the t'n ■’*-•••’ St tte< ot Weuiii* *on: Tbe Hawaiian Patriotic League as represei tatire of more than; SOOOHawaiian citizeus taxpayers and lawfal voters of tho Hawaiian : Islands. whose names wi;h *heir ages, were given to H>'n. J. H Dlount make tbe appeal to tbe of tbe Cnited St tes ii behalf oi oureoaQtrv's u itiouality and independence.

The c*>urse t.iken bv cs .snnasu »1 it is justified by events aiul cir cumst.iuces as extraonlinaty. On the l7th of Janoary 1803, J. L. Steven>. Miui>ter Pleiii[' >tentian* of tbe United St.ites, accre>litcd to tbe Hawaiian government.; cons mmated a conspiracy wiih a; small faction of traitors to our couutrv to overthrow tho; constitutionaI govor:rnent of the Hawaiian K ngdom. In voI ition of tr«?;.tv obligations of iuternat»onal law. and the plainest princip!es of justice, the armed , forces of your powerful nation were used to encompass tbis wrong under tho shadows of your power> called iuto aelion against a handful of Hawaiian nativ>> men, women and cbildreu under■

threats, onmistakable, and pregnant wlien they left the lips of Stevens and M iltse, (then eoiu manding the U. S. S. Boston.): Oar royal friendship to yonr, people, onr gratitnde for all past; benefactions received at youri hands, induced ns avoid a; e nflict whieh threatened to em i broil us with tiie United 8tatcs. : We thereforo confided onr fate to ; your nation, relyiug upon yonr i greatness, raagnanimity and| u}>on your conrage to be jnst to tho weak and def* nseless. Yunr faithless servauts have enabled a faction. nnsupported j even by a tithe of the people of: the islands. to rt nder us poweriess bv disanning us, to eulist nnd ami alien mercenavies to m-naeo, trample npon and destroy our liberties and god-given rights. Now, while these bandits hold our helpless nation bv the throat ready to plunge their raur | iniai its vitals, every rascal, every filibuster in the Cnited States shouts “hands off” and cries oot »gainst inter ftreuce with the men whom yonr seiwants permitted and assisted to rob us of onr means of defense and to maimele ns. We cannot, wo will not believe that you, ro}>resenting the great, the just, the cu!tnred, the Christian people of tho United St:ites will allow the qnestion of onr great wrong and inj'i4tice to hee >me the phu. thing of partisan po!itics. Not alone onr nalionul life and iiulependence, but our personnl libertv and the few rights and possessious whieh huve uot heen filched from nsby alien intriiders, are itnperilled, and will be lost if yonr people refuse to do us jnstiee and leave us b uud and powerless ut the roercy of onr euem;es. If yon had decl rod it neces sary to take onr couotrv tor tbe welfarc rr s fety of your own, we wi ul 1 most willinglv and witu oiie vuice have ceded to voa what we eall our own. bnt outside of that necessitv under onr native monarchy. The nnjnstifiable acts of your servants force ns eow to ajipeal to you to tepair tiie ontrages and wrongs dune to ns. by delivering us from the tyranny whieh «ai cast o • ns bv your strv.»nts. We cry b> you fur jnstice, »nd f>»r snch help as the honor aral f.sir oa ne of American people command yon to exteud us. AuJ raay the Great Lord of all nations so Jeal with your people as von deal w th the weak oppressed and deposed nation of Hawuii nei. With respect ar.d aloha, Yonr servants, J- A CUMMIXS, Honorary President. J. K. Kaulia, Secretary. The Asiatics in quarantine | and who eame hither by tbe Oeeanie wiil be permitted to mingle with the mullitnde today.