Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 February 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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Foll nioon next Monday night Hon W. H. Cornwell retnrned to Maui vestenlav. — i The Honolnln skating rink is | to be reopened satnrday evening. I —————— Wiad S; sky overcast, prospect j o( a continnation of nnpleasant. rainy weather. An euleiiainmeni for the benefit of the 8ailor's Home is mentioned for next week. The tlagpole of the Chinese fire company is being repaint©d by two ex-sea captains. { . • The mare “CreoIe ” is now | lo'ated at the Club Stable and j breeders sbould not forget it. Tbe American schooner Teresa j en route to Jspan, sealing. arrived in port here yesterday after- \ noon. — Who is the parson at Kona Hawaii who is stated to have had two boxes of ritles consigned to his care? Charles Williama a resident of Hamakna Hawaii has boen eom- | missoned to practice law in all courts of the k ountry. — More surcharged and nncharg- ! ed Hawaiian postage-stamps are 1 ito be solJ next week. Prices ought to be very low. Henry Davis has been appoint cd assignee of W. H. Aldricb a j bankrupt. Nine credrtors proved claims amounting to ?1,457.60. Capt Griffiths of the bark Albert hopes to be enabled to get away for San Francisco on Monday next the 19th, iust. The ncxt steamer to sail for the Co:»st will be the C. A. S. S. j i Co’s vessel the Warrimoo 1 ' schednled to leave Honolnlu Feb. 28. w — - The barkentine Klikitat, capt. Cutler sailed for San Francisco yesterday afteruoon. She took 850 tons of sngar valned at $40.501. — The Snnday clnb of rifle i shooters will disturb the peaee anl quiet of the day at the Makiki butts ( tomorrow. The Xorth Pacific Fertilizer Co., H. Hackfeld A Co. agents were the purcliasers yesterday of tho lease of several islands sold bv the P. G. The Seheutzen C!ub in their meeting last evening decided that they would uot favor the election of Smith (D. B.). r . ; The visitors to Sans Souci and Long Branch have opportuuity to see the breakiug snr( dash high on the reef enclosed confiues of Waikiki. The Monowai is now overdue but the delav mav be acconnted * * for s the result of bad weather eitber on the Atl.intic side or on tbe Kookies. ! Tbe large amonnt of opium whieh has been supjv>sed to have lately been smuggled in teuds to make the article, iu more senses thau oue. a drng ou the market. — A valuable eow. tbe propert}‘ i of Mr. John Emmeluth, was killeU, by lightning, during the electricai atorm of Tbursdi\* night last. Tbe Sunset Seed and Plant Co., of San Francisco has forwarded a uumber of cat«lognes ! of their see<ls and general nnrsery i stock to the Holomvx. Their prices >re made io meei hard times and they gnarantee that sbou!d either seeds, plauts or trees. prove untrne to name, they will replace Ihem without cost, or ref md tbe money. Oopiee of tbe catalogue will be sent io «ny address on applicatios.