Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

d vert t5» J. KEMPHEH, pashionabIs lailop GDTLQIES'S SCITS md CL0TH1SG tv made tu OKPEK Good Varifty of Fine Clotk iii S(o*'h. Cfeaning aml Rtpairinf/ Neatty Done. Terms Reascnable. Give me a Triil. 107 KING STR£ET. Onpos!to ' Ai! n 1 Honolnla 1 * ( Hote!, \ fel L.. U. OEE 1 JOBBER OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers. H0TEL ST., between Fort and Bethel streete. Holiday Prescnfs The nndersijjned beg le»ve to eall the atteution to a large assortmeut of tasteful and elegunt Jewelry, snitable for Christmaa Presents. Hawaiian! FlaGT XMri5 in diHerent sizes. , Hawaiian Jewelry a specialty. If you want to bny an elegant and at the same time an mexpensive Chr»stmas Present, eall around und inspect my stock. TH0S. LIND SAY, Mdur*ruj- Hloek, Fart St.H.jn*luIs <lecl ti Sans Souci Hūl'EL,! WAIKIKI, UONOLOLU. * First-Class Aeeommooan&m tions for ~ Tourists and lsland Guests. SUPERI0R BAīHIRC FaC/UTIES. \ Privaie Cottages for FamUieS . T. A. 8IMPS0S. Manacer.