Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Takes Plaoe To-Night Tfae benefit entert;»inment to be giren this evening at the Ha waiian Opera Honse promises to be well attende«.i and the pro- 1 grama.e otfered will pn>Te m«?st interesting. There areexpected, to be, a feir erents. not on the bill, interpolated for the benefit of the and ence. Following is the regnlar menn: PROGRAMME. Pakt 1. Stage Manager, A. E. Murphy 1 — Overtare— ‘ EnchAntmeat.' Hemian Eull Orchestra. 2— Wondeis —Will Put Yoa All! in Good Hamor ' C. Nester Edist>n. 3— Cbaracter Song—“OM Fashioned Lnllaby Baby. : Littie Della Ash. 4 — Recitation—“A Re»l Scream Mr. A. E. Mturpby. 5 Coraet Sol>—“Una.’.H >rtman i Mr. Cbarles Kreuter. 1:. 8olo —**Operat : -■ *•! tioa,” Mr. W. H. Hoogs. {7 —Ventriloq ;5sm “of the Highest. ’ Introdncing three wouderfnl iueriy tig'sres ... Dr. R. I. Mocre. Paht 2. 3—Song—“Wrecked & Saved,“ Knowles Mr. Cne 1 o. 9— Instrnmentd Dnet—“Robert tlie Devi 1 Meverbeer ■ CIari -net: Messrs Keogb A* N aoue. 10— Banjo —“Something New.' Loeal Anthor Mr. Geo. Ritiaan. 11— Song--“Wiil entertain you a few moments Mr. Chester A. Doyle. ‘ 12--Picolo Solo—“Silver King,’’ Bounesean Bursotti. ► • . 13— Musical attraction—“ On te 1 the Rage,’’ Messrs Ordwav Heunessev. 14 — Grand Finale-‘SirapleSimon’ Mr. W. B. Ash. 15— Orchestra l POUND MASTER*S l XOTlCE. > Notice is hereby given to all persons, that there is at the Gov«*rument P»nnd »t Ma3 kiki, 1 strayed Red (’ow, whtu* spot on belly. long tad, 1 bt>ken horn. brass col'.ar; * braud, henrt;on right hiud qua r ter. Any person or persons owuing this eow are re«|Uested to eon e »i.d . take the same on or before 12 o'eloek moū of SATURDAV, March 3, 189*. JAMES KUKONA, 3 Ponud Master Makiki, Feb. 17, 1894. T.H.Davies&Co r >| KAAHUMANU ST., t Honolulu, : : 1T. I. GENERAL «M' » t Commission I Merehants — AND — SUGAR FACT0RS. j ACENT8 FOR LIoyds :— Bntish and Foreign Mariue Inturanoe Conipacy, Liuiited. Northeru As8urauce Co, fire 4 life. l‘.jaeer Liue of PaekeU f~ ' fverjool. H iwahan Line of Paekela. Oaiiallaa Pacific Railway Co. am> eaeaiiai-AnMiaii Steaisiiii Co. Ll verpool Owiei:The AIbeny, 01d fcUliSt. febl6 3m Long Brancli |BATHING Establishment. vThisFirst-class Bathing Resort has been enlarged and is no* open to the pnblic. It is ihe best plaee on the islands to enjov » bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. Special aeeomm*jdatipns for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every' haif hourand on Satordays aod Snndays every fifteen minates. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor.