Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 February 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
{We do not hoU oarsrfre« rwtpcnsible for tbe opiuiou» or the nt.enaic«» of ooi con««pondente.] EDiron Holomua: How amu$ing it is to read the edih>rial o( the *4dtrr(tVr of the ; 15th inst. oc the nomination of Mr. D. B. Smitb for the Advi-1 sory Couucil. At last the shoe is j beginning to pineh, and tbe Ad~ ! trrfiarr commences to sqaeai. j The editor savs: “Tbe conser | vative men who were Ihe first at i tbe froiit iu 1SS7, and were tbe very first to take their lives in j tbeir hands in January, 1893, I were ridiculed. etc.” Wbat a! tissue of bare (aced lies! Ereiybody known they are an arrant : lot of cowards, and they on'y < eamo sneaking out of their shells 1 when they found that J. L, <
Stevens bad landed the marines from the Boston. and tbat tfcere was no po6sible cbance of danger to tfcemselve«. From fcis own evidence. the brave Commander-in-cfcief refused to take charge ' of tfce 28 fcired Hessians, t ll fae was assored by J, L. Stevens hat the U. S. forces were landed and would protect tbem. Squeal to your heart’s content Mr. Ad*:erti*er, missionary rule is doom : ed as it ougbt to be, and your j treacherv- to your old friends, tbe IHawaiians. is bringing the vengeance of a just God down upon you and yours. We are glad to see tbat many of the leading papers of America, —Harper's ineiuded, —fcave learut the true character of the American mission aries in Hawaii. Jcstice. Editop. Holomi a: For moek heroics, insana driveling, and ab-urd pfcarisee-i-m, those wfco act, tfcink and write for tfce P. G. take tfce palm and are making an unenviable t recori for tfcemselves in this i countn\ When President Dole in liis lamely labored composition addr;s.sed to Minister Willia declining to relinquisb his usurped powors, witfc a moek heroisra and a sort of falstadian humor, he ' states that he recognizes uo * earthlv authority except tfcut of t!ie “brave men” who put him where he is. Did Dole tliink t liat tliepotent, i grave and reverend 8enators, of tfce United States would be de 1 ceived by such clap-trap, or was > fce simply tooting to tfce rogues ■ gallery of filibusters who are playing such a lively farce witli the peaee, dignities and riglit of I tfcis nation. “Brave men!” indeed; arraut cowards and poltroons all of them. I who never would fcave dared to | fcave appeared in open treason if they did not know that the ■ “Boston” sailors were landed to . pr tect tfcem in their refarious j 1 scfceme. All tfce known recofds l of pirates, buccaneers and revo- > lutionists fcave never furnished < sucfc an inglorious cfcapter of ; ■ cowurdice and disfconor as ! • characterized tfce piracy of Jan- j uarv 17 1893 in Hawaii. And tfcen Mrs. Dole, consort j of the President writes to a friend iu tfce U. 8. witfc a mawkisfc sentimentality speaking of their “fcoly cause of libert\',” the “righteous wratfc” of tfce Amerieau people against Clevelaud and tfce “disgraceful deed” expected from tfce U. 8. navy. Wfcat hypooritical fcasfc! Is it a ‘holy c.»use of liberty” to trample upon tfce liberties of a fcitherto freo people and infiict upon tfcem a despotic government tfcat knows no constitution, and wfcose fcaugfcty usurpation is domiuated by a turbuleut clique of alien j adv nturers; whose govern<uent is moro despotic tfcan that of Hussia and appears determiued j to suppress tfce native Hawaiian iu tfceir owu land? Is it a 1 “righteous wrath” for the Ameriean people in pursuing tfceir party politics to denounce President Cleveluud for fcis fcouoruble attitude in trying to rectifv a political crime whieli had been committed under cover of tfce American fiag, and wiiieh wouKl have damaged her standing iu | tfce iuteruatioual comity of j uaiions. Ougfct uot ratfcer Mrs. Dole and tfce wratfcy American people be ashamed of tfcemselves for tbeir attempt to sfcield a crime whieh fcos beea denounced by the best writers in America. Next coraes a crank who writes an eiiitorial in the AJirrtiser of the 16tb, commenting on an ar ticle in the Japan Herald. With refreshing naiveness he is surprised at any one “proposing and advocating an unprovoked and ! wanton aggress : ou of a strong power upon a weak one, in violation of internationaI law, the : osages of civilised people, and {tfce pnneiple of nalional jnstice” j | referring of course to the P. G. j But wbat be deprecates as against I tbe P. G. is just exactly wfcat : Miuister Stevens did against the j legitimate government of Hawaii. ’ ! Yet in tbat case, in the opinion of the and of Mrs. Dole ( it was a “holy cause of libeity”. Can anvtfcing be more astounding 1 than the superciIioas eoneeii of * the«e people, ]
Honoiahle men are ch ivalroos ! i whether in war cr in politics. ; H»s there been any bonor or chivalry in tfae wav P. G. Ieaders i hsve treated onr Qaeen. Have not ratber these people plaved • the hypocritical pharisee in slanderir.g the morals of the Qneen and of the Hawaiians. Are P. G. records clean ? Woold it not be politic for President ! Dole to ehee'i these slanders tbat the glass honses in his eamp! be not also broken, and wonld it not be wise for him to lay lo\c and not try to give too great a pro minenee to a code of mora!s. In v;ew of the inexecnsable miscondact of this “mis.sionan’‘ j faction who fathers the P. G. is it any wonder that Christianity has fallen into disresp>ect among the Hawaiians, the Asiastics, and of inany other classes here. Is it any wonder that the natives are largely deserting the protestant chnrches and flocking to the catholic whoae fathers act more ‘ in aeeonl with the gospel they preach. Is it any w ud r { at the hsndsorne edilice at the hca<': of Richard with i{s . towerandspy a.ie;, :ssarcasti< ai!\ known among the ribald as the ; ehuieh of the lacly hypocrites. i ls it any wonder that the countrv ■ is in anarchy and society at war, with snch prodacts of editor Sinith Damafula tree as are palying h 1 with the goverument. We rovalists stand bv and look * J at thfe passing show in silent conterapt, and firmly believe that oui' holy cause of liberty is so jnst that it will soon emaneipale ns frora the despotic rnle of invaders usurpers and oppressors. Such is our pra}'er. Aloha Aixa.