Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 February 1894 Edition 02 — More Meetings. [ARTICLE]

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More Meetings.

The Portugne«e will fcold a mass-meeting tomorrow afternoo. Tbe object, we nnderstand, is to encoorage the coancils to pass tfce Cfcinc-se restriction act and also to ignore lfce impndent demands of tfce American secret Leagae for supremacy. We are informed tfcat tbeleadingCbinese will meet tonigfct and discnss wfcat sleps tfcey shsll take in coanteracting tfce Portugnese. Tfcere are lirely times afcead. Tfce Japanese mass meeting, will not be called yet. It is reported that the League intends to witfcdraw Mr. D. B. Snjitfc’s name as the nominee of that organization and will fcnmbly bow down to the consenatives, subrnit to tfce spanking administered by Ca?tlc and swullow Maik Kobinson’s appointment. Last nigfct (F<“bruary 15tli) tfce 0' »0tfc Annexation Club ticket was issued, “Pnnee ’ Albert Kunuiakea being tfce mau who carrie<l it otT. —'Ti*er. Priuce Albert Kunuiakea, tfce person mentioned in tfce precediug item lias called at tfco Holomi'a to say tliat lie is no longer a member of tfco Annesution Club fcaving joined it tfcrough misrepresentation. A Gotebxmext whieh fcas Sanford B. Dole for Presideut. Francis M. Hatcfc for Minister of Foreigu Atfairs and Samuel M. Daraon for Minister of Finance is eanahlo of giving tfce great republic sonie valu.ible points, So says tfce Slar and we wonder wfcat has Smith done, that he. “so learuod in the law,” sliould bo thus ignored aud omitted by his brotfcer Smith? When tfce otfcer 8mith gets iu (when lie does) tliere will an opportunity for Smitfc to smite Smitli or to smit Suiitfc with smitt. A plague on all tfce Smitfcs except the liorny-fcanded ones. Chief Justice Jndd is credited saying tliat in tfce future no foreigners will marry any Hawaiiau girl, becanse it fcas been seen since the 17tfc of January, 1893, that !>11 Hawaiiaus are bad. We publisli an item from a leadiug American paper whieh soems to diger in opinion from our ven - Cbristian cliief justice: The marriage of youug Ameriean men to ba1f-wbites, is said. by a reliablo informant. bocoraing frequent among respectable wfcite families in Hawaii. It is of uo uso for foreigu parenfcs to turn tfce cold sfcouIder. Oftentimes tfce fcalf wfcitegirlsaremoretfcau fully cqual in intelligence, taste and domestic virtues to tfcose who marry tfcem. Tuere will be more of tfcese marriagos, and tfce mix ed blood will improve witfc grow ing prosperity and better educatiou, and as tlie primitive inlluences and environments decrease witfc tfce lapse of geuerations. Indeed, one way tfcat the Hawaiiaa populalion is now decrcasing is uot so mueli by the disappearanee as by the dilution or by wfciteuiug of tfce blood.