Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVIES, 33i<rirei\ Stevedoi'e AVn AV i’eekei 1 . ESTIXATES ASD costracts on AIX KIXD3 OF WORK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI. will rnn n?gnl»rlr betwwn lhis nnrt »n<i \V ; usIua. Kl«vritibapai. Moknlei», Kcu»eaui aeil Kniki on tho uUani) of Oahn. For Freight, etc , appJy to the Captain. Best of References—Iiujuire at Offiee of J. 8. Walker, over Spreckels Bank, or Wright Bros. Fort Street. ileo IS-ti LĒWIS « C0. Who!esale and Retail Grocers AND PIiOVISION DfL\LEKS. FRJSR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE Br Erery 8an Franoiaco Stcamer. Salt Salmon' ix Barrels a Specialtt. m port S/., Honolulu. TeU 240, P. O. Box 297. CHAS. GIRDLER, Importer anel Commission Merchant. 8PECIALTIESr J. i P. Coats' Maehine Thread Jonas Brooks' Maehiue Thre»d Barboar’s Liuen Thread Pears' Soap P. 0. Boi 358. Mntu.il Telepbone 355 13 Kaahnmanu Strcet. flationaI Inon WopI^ Qr£EX Strfet, Between Alnkoa & Kiehanl Sta. The UXI)ERSIGXED niuke ell kiniL» of are prepare<l fo Iron Brass. Broaw, Zinc,} Tm and Lead Caatingr. ALao a General Repnir Sbop for Stram Engines, Kiee Miil.i, Corn Milh>, Water WheeU, Wind M1U1, etc. Maehine» lor the Cleaning of Coffee, Caator Oila, Heana, Kamie. Sisal, Pīneapple Leare» i oth*r Fil>ron» PlanU. And Paper Stock Alao Maehinen for Eitracting Starch fron tbe M.mioe, Ano* Boot, etc. «r AU OrJers pir>niptlv att*nde<f t). |VHITE, RITMAN CO. CEMEHTT āūEw^l^ axd dnrbing Laid. Eatimates given on ali kinds of $tone, CoqcPete Wop\ C0XCRETE A SPECTALTY. JNO. F. BOWLER. j»nl7 3ru