Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THE In' (U n OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEM BERS AND LOCATIOX OF BDKE AUS. EiEcrTivE Couxcn.. S. B. of rnjvi»ioti«i a.i\-prr me:>t of the !»laml<. aa l MlnUter of AfT«in<. J. A. Kitur. Ministeri>f the Interlor. M. Ihnwn. Mini»ten>f Pinanee, 'V. O. Smith, Attorney-Geaer«!. Advisory Cootil. 'V. C. \Viliier. Vlee-!Te«Iiient of the Pr"vlrlon«l <rovemmeut of the Ha\r«ii«n lsl«nd». C. Bo!te, Oeoil Brown, John Nott, John Ena, J«mes E. Morsran Ed. S >hr, J>>». P. Mendone». Cha». T. ĪD>d s 'er». Counci!s. John Emmelulh, E. D. Tenney. W. F. Allen, Henry W«terhou»e, A. Younir. F. M. Hatcb. Bccret«ry Ex. and A<lv. Stpreme Couet. Hon. A. F. JnJ>i. Chlef InMioe. Hon. R. F. Biekerton, First Assoclate Juslioe. Hon. W. F. Fre«r. Seeon«l Associate Ju.stlce. Henrv Smith, Chief (Terk. • leo. !.nc. s, Deputy Clerk. C. F. Peter9on,Sec nil I>eputy Clerk. J. Walter Jones, ir!enogrnpher. CrRCCIT Jcdges. First Cirouit: O.hn S.>eond <Treult; fM«u<) A. N. Kenolkai. Thirdand Fourth Cire->it»: (II«waii)S. UAustiu Fifth circnit: (Kanai) J. H«rdy. OfTiees «nd C»urt>room in Court Honse. Kinv street. Sittin>t in Honolulu—The 6rst Moud«y iu Februarv. M«v, August and Ncvember. DErARTME.*.-T OE EOKEION AFTAIB.s. OHiee in Capitol KuiMi ip. Klnj street. Hls Excelloncy Saaford B. Do!e, Mintster of Foreijrn Atfuirs. Oeo. C. I*otter. Seeret ry. W. Horsce Wright, Liouel Hart, Clerks. DF.rARTMEXTOF InteriorOfllce in Execntive Ruiidinjt, King street. His Exeelleney J. A. King. Mlnlster of Interlor. ( hief Clerk-. Joh>i A. Hsss uger. Asslsta.it Clerks: James H. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole. Hlephen Mahaulu, George C. R> ss, Edw«rd S. Boyd. BUREAC 0F AORIfrLTCP.S AXD FoRE.srBY, Pres:dent; H5s Excelleney the Minlster of !nterior. Wn». G lrwin, Allan H> rbert. John En». J >seph M rsden, Comaiissioner and Secretar}'CHISF9 OF BfREArs, I.VTER10R DXP1BT»EXT. S:irvey»r-Gcner*!, W. D. Alexsnder. Bnpt. P>ibl e Works, W. E. Howeli. Snpt. Water W >rks. Audrew Brown. lnspeetor, E’ectric Light». John CMsidy. Reg1str«r *>f C >urey«iices, T. G. Thrum. Ro«dSnperviaor. H nolulu, W. H r>imralngs. Chicf Engineer Fire Dept.. J«s. H. Hunt. Supt. Inaiine Asylum, Dr. A. MeW«yne. DEPARTXEXT 0F FtSAXCE. 03>ce, Exeo«itive Bnilding, King street, Mlnlster of Finance, His Excellency S. M. Pamon. Andit'ir-Gener«!, Ge<>nre J. Ros.s. Registr»r of Aecounts, W. G. Ashley. Clerk <>f FTn«: ee O Soe. E. A. Melnerny. Colieetop-Gener»l of Custom, J»s. b. ( «alle. Tax Assesaor, Othu. J >n». Sh-w. I»epnty T«x Aaaeae r. W. C. Weedon. Postn.«>tvr Gener_l, J. Mort o«t. Crno«,< HrRXAC. OSice, Custora House. Espl«n«de, Fort street. Co»leetor-General, J»s. B. C«stle. Deputy-Coi.eeti>r F. B. McSp cker. H > rburma»ter. OanUin A. Fnlier. Port 8urreyor, M. » 8*nders. St>>rekeep=r. George C. Stratcm»yer. Dkpabtmext of Attobxkt-Geskeal. Offlee in Exeeutire Bui!ding, Kiag street. Att4>meT-General, W. O. 5mltn. l<epatv AtP>rnev.<iener«I, G. K. Wilder. Clerk. J. M. Ke». Manhai, E. G. Hileheoek. CLrk to M rsh»!. H. M. Dow. Pepnty Marsh»!. Arthur M. Brown. J.«i!or Osbu Prisoc. J. A. Ix»w. Prison Physician, Dr. C. B, Cooper. BOARO OF lMXI>*MATtOX. Pr“widsnt. H!» Exee!lenev J. A. Kitz. Member of the Bo»rd of Irarai«7atl»n: i;on. J. B. Athertun. J««. B. Ca»t!e. Hrm. A. ?, Ci, *S m, iamea G. ?peccer, Mark P. R >b!n» n. 5eeret .ry. Wray T«yVor. B>>akd >>f Bkaltm. Office In gronndsof €onrt Hoa«« BoJlding, eomer of MilīUni aod lineen ftreets. Memb*T»; Dr. Dar, Pr. Mla«r. Dr. Andrews, J. T. Waterboo«e Jr., John Eoa. Tbeo. F. Lanaisg «od Attoraey-<jenef«l 8mith. Pre»ident— Hoe. W. t> Sraith. 5eeretary—Ch«». Wiina. Execotive Offieer—C- B. ReytoMs. !nspretor « d MAO«geroi Gart«ge 5errice—L. L La Plerre. !n*p«eter—G. W. C. Joo«*. Por. Physkōarr. Dr.G. B. Andrews. Di»pen*aTT. Dr. II. W, HowanL Leper aettlem«dt, Dr. E. K. OUrer. Boaxb of Edccattox. Coort tf cmse Eai:«li->«, Klag »treel. PwWoiL Hon. C. E. BL>hop. seerelary. W. Jaiaes Smlt.T. !ntpeet r of 5ct»ool>, A. T. Alkinaon. D3TM1CT Coc*t. PoUee 8t«tloo Bnilding, Mereh»nt »treet A. G. M, Rob«taoo. M»gistrate. Jatah» A_ Tboa>paon, CMTM