Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
33usiness Cards G.ff. IACFABLANE & C0.. Impcrters and Gommissio:i ]Merciiants, Honolala. - Hawaiian Islamls THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfacturing Jeueīer and Watchmaker, Mclnerny Block, 405 Fort St., Honolnln. HABBISON BEOS., CONTRACTOES AND BU1LDERS, 208 Fort St., Honoluln. MERCHAST S EXCHANGE, S. I. SHA\V, Proprietc>r, CHOICE LIQ UORS and EINE BEER, Corner of King anel Nnuanu Sts., Mutoal Tel. 423. Honolulu. BRUCE & A. J. CARTWRICHT Business of n Fidnciary Nntnre Trpnsacted. Prompt attention given to the management of £states, Gnanlianships, Trnsts, etc., etc., etc. 0ffi.ee.», : Cartvright Building, Merchant Street. Honolulu. “FAT BOY.” BAYHŪRSES? 8AL00N I P. McIXERNY, Froprietor, Fine Liquors. Wines and ’Beer. Cor.ner Bethel and Hotel Sts. PACIFIC 8AL00N, Cornei Kiag nnd Nunanu Streets. EDW. WOLTER... .Manoger. The Finest selection of LIQUOKS and RF.F.R, sold anywhere in the town. First-class attendenoe. CaU and judge for yourself. no 80-tf. Kmpire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, Proprirtor. Fine Wine& Liqnoi% Eeei*, ALWAI8 OS HAND. Comer Nuuanu and Hotel Streete BeU īelephone 3S1. Post Offic* Boi.32. W.W.WRIGHTSSON Camage IWap Boilders Ix All Its Branches» Horseshoeing A SPEC1ALTY. 79 ud 80 Kiag St, Honolulu