Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

General -A.dvertisemcats. A TAST FE OI£GT. COKSTAHT LINE 0F SCHOOIERS —Ample Opportmity fir ALL Owrirg to Oor ConstantIv Incre*sing B js:nes8 acd the Great Dcm*nd cf an Apjreciating CommoDity, we bave cocolūded to offer so opportūr.ity to ail parties baviūg capitai.—OCR LI2sE 0F SCHOOJ»ERS ra»y be seen glidmg over the Bar, fiiled to their otmost carryicg capac:ty, with CLEAR. COOI. A5D ISVIGORATD»G F , e,).rtck.b. , 9 j 1AGĒR Bm Atthe “Anchor Saloon!” To accoramod&te Oor Vast F!eet of Schooner3, we have built & Fiue, Large Re{rigerator, Regardless of Ccst. Ih tho only plaeo where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on draugbt ean be had in Honolulu. Step forward Gentlemen, now is the time. NOTICE ! The Unders r gned has Received from the Eastern States The Largest Single Order of BILLIARD MATERIAL Ever Imported to the Islands. It Conclndes as Follows: Cloth, 3 grades; Cnes, assorted; Cushions, by Block, patent; Billiard Balls, composition and ivorv; Pool Balls, do., do, Tips, Chalk, Pocket Castings, with leather and fringe, complete; Pocket Nettings, fringe and leather; Rubber Covers, Conrt Plaster, green and hlaek; New Style Chalk Holders, Triangles, Shake Balls and Leather Cott1es. Pool Pins, Markers, etc., etc. The above Goods bave been Purchased at Rednced R»tes, and the oudersigned is now prepared to do any and »11 kinds of BILLIARD TACLE WORK at rcasouabIe rates with dispatch. AIso new and second hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please Apply to J. P. BOWEX, Peny Block. Hotel St., Honoluln l-[ t E. Mc[nty^ē IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, P > rovisions AXD Feed, EAST CORNER FORTA KING STS. New Goods Rec’d By eveiy Paekei from ihe £aatem States and £nrope. Fresh Oaiiiomia Prodnce by every steamer. AU orders faithfnUy attended to. and Goods delivered io any part of the cīty FREE OF CHARGE. lsland Ordera 6oIieited. Satiafaotion Qoarantaed. Poai OAm Boa No, 145, Talaphon« Mo. M.