Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Chas. T. (hliek NOTARY PUBLIC For the Islaod of Oahn. Ai;ent to Take Aoknowletlgaaents to Labor Contracts. Agent to Gract Marriage Lieen ses, Honolnlu, Oahu. I Agent for tue Haw’n Islanils of Pirr & Scorr s Freight aml Parcels Ei|>ress. Agent for the Barlington Koute Real Eslate Br:lsr and Geseril Agent Bell Tel. 348: Mut. Tel. 1 139; P. O. Box 41ō. 0 FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHAST ' Street, Honolnln. H. 1. WO CHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor King street, Thomas’ Blook. uext door to Holomna ofllce. A11 Suits Guaranteed ( to Fit, and . IN THE LATEST STYLE. Clothes lCIeaned nn<l Kepaired. no27 [ W. S. LUCE Wiiie anel Spirit|{ Alercliaiit FirL-proof liloek, j MERCHANT ST.. HONOLULU INTER-1SLANDPIL0TACE. Capt. WILLIAM UAV1ES, ' — FOR THE Pjst TWTLVE YEARS in eomiuanil of Intei-UlaLd Stenmers, uffers hi» »eivices as PILOT T0 any port or Ianding in ‘h-* Hi.w āi;<n Idands. Best of reference,«, inquire at office of J. S. Walkek over S[)reckel s bank, or Wkight Bkos., Fort Street. feb I4 tf. C. T. AKANA H|ei I cg&qfe Tailor! 324 Nuuanu Street All Saits Gruarauteed To Fit an 1in the Latest - , Stvle. . | Clothei Cleaned and Kcpairetl. no!7 3for Sale APIECE OF VALUABLE L>nd s t iated on Nn'.anu kvenue, two mi>s fr»ro town. b v low Mr. Coit Uubron's plaee, containing 12 acres, partly 600D TAR0 LANO abont lōO feet : on Nnnan'i Avenno A sxnall honse on it, all f»-nc«d. A good iuvestment. No reason- I ! able fig>ire refosed. For furtber paiiienlapa, please this office. jan lS-2wd LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and General Auctioneer. Corsar Fort atd Qa«ea Stnete, Honolulu Personal attenti<>n g*Ten to Sales of Farnilnre, Keal Estate, Stock and Genern! Merchandise. ' Mitad T«d0phoo» 238