Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 17 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I 1 AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ OHEOLE,” 21,702. Race Rccord: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cai. Sept. 23, 1893. is »lao and — . . «bite foot snd smsll strīpe m f*c«. cood nrCdn<*r and a r*of Horw. WUl stan l for • nnmhe.- of m*T«* u FI1TY (|ōOt DOLLAHS FOB THESFJLSOS, par»ble at um« of «mn;. This howe »as t red in 1»92 to fortr-«ix naiw *nd pnxiaced fortv-two » ts. Weij;ht, 1.000 ponnds; is Terr strlah. senl'e, WUl ‘ feb 17-im 13. H DAVIS.
M. H LOHEII)E, SIGX AXD ORXAATEXTAL PA1XTER. UKLL TELEPHOX2 157. All orders promptly altended to. 1 MORTGAGEES NOTICE OF FORECLOSUEE. IX ACCORDAXCE WH H TH! PROVISions of a certain nio. t maiie t>v KAUHANE XAKLTXA to \VM. C. ACH1. da ed the ō:h ōav of Xoveniber 1S9I, ecovōed in Liber 131, paj,e 373, an>; dnly j assi;,ned to I.au Cbong, noliee is Lereoy givea t’iat the mo intends to fo e- | ol. se the «ame for conūi.ions broken, to wl'.: non-j»avment of inte tst and piineipal. , Xotice is 'ikewise • 'ren ih.it a r ter tac exp’r«lion o* Ih’ee weeks ‘rom the datc oi lhis noiiee, the p ope-i» couveyet»bv said mort- I gage wil> i*e auve. - ised Lr at pulilie j anelion al lbe aneLon rootns of Iames F. , Murgan, in Honolnln, ON \VEDXESDAV , the 14ih day oi March, 1804, at 12 noon, of siid day. Dat«d HonoHln, Eeūma» v 13, 1804. l.AU CHOXG, Ass gnee of Moftgagee. The p»-enii=es coveved by s.iiu mortgage eonsist o'—4 acres s-tna.e in Hamoa, Haua, j Mani, aad conveyeu t.> said mo;tgagor by Kulawa, by deed dated the 29th day of Angnst, 1883, aad reco'ded in Liber 8.!. pages i 102 and 103. febl7-3w Grii(l E[itert;iiiiiiiriit! - AT THE Hawaiian 0pera House. | r rhis> SATURDAY EUEN’G, 9 * February 17tb, BEi\EFIT of3lr. +W. B. ASH >- . A First-Class Peiionuanee and an Interesting Progv;irame. ( A HOST OF VOLUNTEERS. i h Stage Manager, A. E. Mckphy , PEOGRAMME-Part I. 1 — Overture —“Enchantment,” .. Herraan I Full Orcbestra. 2— W’omlers—Will Pat Y>n All iu Good Humor C. Nester Edison. 3— Character Song—“OKl Fasbioned Lul iaby- Baby,’ ’ 1 Litt’e Della Ash. 4— Recitation-“A Keul Screara, " ; Mr. A. E. Murphy. 5— Cornet 8olo-*‘Una,”.Hartman \ Mr. Charles Kreuter. 6— Tenor Solo- -“Operatic Selection” Mr. W. H. Hoogs. 7 -Te: trilo<iu?sm ‘*of tbe bigh- ! est,” introduc : ng three meiry figures Dr. R. I. Moore. Fart II. 8— Song —“Wreck6d 4 Saved.” Knowles Mr. Cuelho. 9— lnstruraental Dnett— ‘ Robert the Devii.” Meyerbeer C arinnet: Messrs. Keogh A Naoue. 10— Banjo—“ Something New,” Loeal Anthor Mr. Geo. Bitmac. 11 — Song—“Will Entertain Yoo a Few Momenie,” .,... Mr. Chester A. Doyle. , 12—Pieeolo Solo—“Silver King” Bonneslan Mr. L. Bassotti. 113 —Music*l Attractious—“Qaite the Rage,” Messra. Ordway & Heunessey. 14-Gr.md Finale-*Simple Simon’ Mr. W. B. Ash. 15 Orchestra
End It All. The Hnwaiinn annexationist« [ to l>e composed of a cora- i [ paratively small nnral»er of perI sons, mostly fools of the 1 eni nover aml 11 aite stripe. Tnev have heU an ‘ ‘auneialion raeet- : ing in whieh Clevelaml, Gresham, i3louut and auti-annexationists were raost enjoyably denonnced and the cheerful determination : reached that any interference : with tbem or their plans be resist j ' ed by force. Au anuexation meeting just now is as seasonable as a Boston tea j party. There will be no annexa- t tion. No treaty Gvoring annexa- i tiou will be submitted to the senate and no such treaty ean be made by the senate itself, no rnatter what its desires may be, and it is likely that if the president should now submit such a treatv it would l»e dcfeated. Ihe newspaper that says thepeople of this conntry favor the auuexation of the American sharpers, the : rapacious sugar growers, the land . boomers. coolies aud lepers of the Sandwich Islands, and ineidentally the islauds ,themselves deliberately falsifies. The people don’t want annexation aml won’t have it. There is ouly one pieee of advice to ofl‘er. After the insults ' of Thurston and those of the anuexatiouists at the recent meetiug, the United States Minister at Honolulu sbonldbe withdrawn and the fools on the islands left to fight it out among themselves. There has been too mueh tirae, too mueh patienoe, too mneh forbearance, too mneh of everything ! . wasted over the wretched afiair. It is not andnever hasbeen worth it. Let us drop the matter all i l togother, bring Willis home aml forget there is such a plaee as | Hawaii. —Harrishurg l\itriof. ' Dog catching is iu vogue toda3*. Nioe work for commissioued poliee officei-s. * Kalakiela the sherifi at Waialua, Oahu, has been suspended | from office for bad couduct. The usual Satnrday afternoon concert will be given to-day. by the P. G. band. at Emma Sqnare. The Portuguese are announced to hold a mass-meeting for politi eal purposes at the Drill shed tomorrow, (Snnday) afternoon. Aml this in direct opposition to the Sundav law. Captains V. Bache and Thos. Dickson were engaged paintiug the flag pole «t Eugme Co. No. 5 this moruing. Capt. B.»che was captain of the top, aud Captain Dickson acteil in the capacity of eaplain of tbe hold. H. LOSE, I * I i otary Puhlio. CoUector and Gcneral Businet9 Agent. Patentee of Losk’s Chemical Compocsd for Clarifying Cane Juice. Sub~Agent for several of ihe Best FIRE IXSURAXCE COS. M«tul T«tepbone ». P. O. Box 338. Uexehxnt sUeet, Honolaia.