Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 16 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
There aro 1“2S Asiatics iu quarantiuo. “Pbonograph ]xxrlor* iu F s store," is good. The P<irtuliM cf Ute Paeijic for Jannary i* out. Rain rain, rain’ Water everywhere. Thermoroetor 78. Competion is the lfe of trule the latest heiup in the phonograph lino. Wind lSouth, weather pleasaut: the Amoriciu flagwaaflyingcn the unpaid for j>ole. A new tlag is s;iid to have been pn'j>arevi for use by the Provisional Oovernment. A constitutional oonvention is the latost sop thro\vn to the pub lie by the Councils. Two thonsand and uineteeu j>aj>ers aml three thousand sevcn hundred and f»>ur letters went forward by the Oeeanie. Mr. V, V. Ashford will locate himself aud his legal business at the Sonth-west corner of King and Bethel streots. Dou’tforget that eutertainmeut at the Oj>era House tomorrow evening. Mr. L. J. Levey has but few seats left on the box p’au. Fraucis M. Hatch Es«| has been appointed and is gnz«tted as Mmister of Furoign AHaii-a. for tho Provisioual Govonuuent.
Tbe steamer Oeeanie sailed at a Iittlc paat midnigbt for San Francisco, ■ Tbe opposition basses now race a!ong the streets in an endeavor to c«ptare cnstomers. — S. M. Damon the poliiieal capita!ist is reported to be trving j to obtain the militan vote. — Tbe respectable organizition known as tbe Club will bold a meet;ng tbis evaning. The Sunday-shooting club is another organization tbat is in the field for eleelion of officers The Volcano is now reported to be becoming in a more and more present;>ble conditiou for tonrists. The steamer Kinau sailed for windward ports th : s afternoon. i There were several passengers 1 for the Volcano. — “Creole," the mare advertised in the Holomua, has a record and pedigiee whieh shonld be read by breeders. Bids fur the printing and biud ingof Interior Department blanks have Leeu rend-red aud the award made. Advertiser still calls for ‘ ‘*raore.’' The Annexation Club claiuis to have issued 6oo tickets to nem bers and tbey blow abont it. Where is tlie halanee of that uub!e two thonsand? Manager Plunkett, states positively, that, notwitbstandiug the demand, the Misses Albn will noj give another coucert before their dej>arture for the Coast. _ The stearaer Kaala touched on the reef at Kahuku durine her last trip and while t;e war of the elements was at its height. The captain bad taken precautions against henvy weather and had anchored in a leo ofi’ered by the eonlonnation of the country. A shift of wind beiug apparent the anchors wero abo u t being bo v e up when the storm struck I and seut tho vessel iushoie. Capt. Kobinson aud all hauds wore immediately at work to save ; ship and in the face of the tlriv ing storm kedges went put out astern and the vessel was he!d uulil the Mpiall passed and she was then brought into safer waters. Mr. Joeepb Cunningham tlie on!y passenger on b>ard is loud in hi> praise of the conduot and ability disi>Iayed bv the master of tbe vessel and his