Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 16 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Political Infamy. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Political Infamy.

We wou!J desire to change our pen fora pairof tongueyet because the subject whieh we feel called upon to anproach is of such a n.iture that any decont man feels disgusted by beingforced to touch it any missionary or literary scavenger of coursa will gloat in wallowing himself in the indescribable filth. We have had oecasion before to give some space and attentiou to that man Sereno E. Bishop who calls hiraself a

Christian and a servant of C’hrist. The wholesale condemnations of the HiWaiian women published by hi:n iu tha X. Y. Inde}*ndent has miule him in spite of his age entitled to a puhlie flogging. Tbe cowardly and base att.icks on men, who ditFer from him in political opinion to Mr. Blouut and now published to the world in Blount’s report will cause accouuting to be asked whieh will make the hoaryheaded sinuer trerab!e in his boots. But the letter whieh appearod in the i\’. T. San in the same issue in whieh the letter from Mrs. Auna C. Do!e is pub lished, breaks the recorJ of infamous policy and polUieal infamy yet uoticed iu this eountry. Mark, we caunot say for suro that tho eommaniealiou iu question is written K ,T tl *is ver>revereud Sereuo E. Bishop. Tiie coward always stab his enemy iu the back aud in the dark and e >nsequontly the coward uho blackens the reputatiou of our best citizens and their familiei in tho X. V. iSun does not sign his □ame to his dastardly deed. ?he Sun is perhaps the only novspaper in the United 8lates—so be it said for the houor of jotrnalism—whieh wouhl open its columus to the vile and defanatory article dated HonoIuiu.H. I. The ev.Titor of the Sun i a man of such a corrupt and io praved nature, whieh he oas proved iu all his political trnsactions, that his raoral nosrils have becorae so dulled iu teii i functions that he is not troulled any more by the steuch wth whieh his Honolulu correspo«dents hll the filthy gutters wheh are running in the coIuubs of his paj>er. Whoever wrde the letier. whieh we refer to, in Sun 8h«mid bc snm uarily caslig tei. We aiejustifel in bel evijg tl a it emanated from Sereno E. Bishop because it is in line wfth all ih» other defamatjry art:cles em.in»ting froin thatc ntemptible o'.d 8cribbler. In it tbe mor«l ehanei rs of Judge t\idemnnn, Go\ernor Cleghorn. Dr. Trousseau be.ddes se\>rai prominent Hawaiii ans are assaiied. Nut alone of the m j n mentioned but of their tamilies, Imagine anybody attacking a man of the honored standing of Judgo Widmann. Imagine he and his fjmily beirg bran>led by a Honolulu corrcspondent i i the e dumns of one of the most circulated New York newspapers and then let anv fair man say that the honnd who wrote such avileattack should be shielded from pnaishmdnt ou account of his age. He shonld be kicked and he wouhl deserve the kicking be he a ‘reverend” or not, mueh more than any cor who on!y follows his brutisb instiucts. We caonot in oar colomns reprint the vile letter. Let everrbody procore a copy of the ,\. }. Sun dated Janaarv 17tb 1894, and, for tbemselvea, see what the Honolnlo letter—

pnblisteid we say next to Mrs. Dole’s letter says »hout the men and women whom thi? commanity has !earned to honor. revere and love. Tbe missionary tone of the Ietter is conspieoons. It is evident!y wrong in the eyes of the reverend writer to wrong a weman and rectify tbe wrong by manying her. Such.stepis only t<ken at the ‘earnest req iest of tbe mi>sior ries " says this hypocrital correspondent. Ye goda, it wonld evideutly be better to lollow the examples of onr mi.-sionaries, and like tho Smith. Bailey, Alexander. and many otbers pnt the stamp of ba.-iardy on tbe forehead of any child and then go. to chnrch. pray and praise the Lord and —marry some niee American girl. Veril}’ the langa*ge is not strong enongh to describe the indignation and contempt whieh we feel against tbe

“reverend’’ man who pnblishes the ehamelei 1 of the men who gave evidence to Blonnt. Dothe private Iives of the present immaeulaie couucillors* or those to be elected stand the *‘electric” search light of truth’ Can any oue of them swear to it that there is not a being living who by birth has the right to uso fue escutehoon of some of our supernatural vir taous rulers—who gave evidence to Blount—with the f*ir sinister in it? We will not imitate the Sun correspondeut and be Low enough to write up private history be it that of the Presideu t or the latest desired addition But wa unhesitatingly advocate and counsel that tha meu and womeu iusulted by tiie scoundrel wlio writes letters from Honolulu for tho purpose of defaming the characters and good namesof our families should be stamped ont without more mercy than that shown towards a centipede ur ti scorpion.

W E notice fromJapane.se papers that the meu who weut fro;o here to Guatemala w ith Capt. Feignsou have been disappointtd, and bave not found tl:e situ tion in that country at ail co:uing up to the promises whieh \vere made to them. This ophL** bo « wum ing to the Japanese here not to take any steps in the future without consnlting, and being advised by their able and patriotic re presentative Mr. S. Fujii. The Jap>nese pnpers are inclined though to think that there may be some exaggerations in the piteons appeals sent from the men who left Hawaii for Gnatemala. An investigation will be mado.

W E publish in anothor olnmn certain correspoi;dence in whieh Admiral Skerret has been indal"n ing in while in command of the H>w iian st tion. The Holomua was terribly almsed when we stated at the time of tbe Ad miral's recali that it was canse.l through his imprndent and partisan actions here. The Holo.mi a tli3n, as usnal, was rigl;t. We gener.dly know what we are taking and nriting abont. Whv th\ dence will j>eopIe write letters an>liow'

‘‘Vhen tLieves fall ont, honest men get their dne ’ is a weli knovi maxira. The nominatious for te Council has brongbtabont this *.risis amongst onr P. G. kleiiauiniae* and the glorions end £stv ration is at hand when evet honest principie will be red»nised and right and jnstice wilbrevail. ”'a< , se whom the gods wish to dtrov they first make mad,” wilhiaih other, migbt well be adde«.s portraying the Annexa tion Jnb, Le gue, Missionan-, P. Gqnarrel.

Mr ). A. Davis at the C!nb : Stablas the prond owner of the well known sta!Iion whieh J1 stand for tbe season. “Oieoli i 3 probably the fastest and higst bred stallion importowners of mares qlring io improre their stock slld t«ke advaotage of I this oprtnnity. The pedigree ! and p»ra]srs ean be seen in the adve4j,nent whieh will ap- i pear in • HoLOJffA*to-morrow.