Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 16 February 1894 Edition 02 — Consistency Thou Art a Jewel. [ARTICLE]

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Consistency Thou Art a Jewel.

How truly speaks the Heidelberg missionary iu the Adverliser of yesterday. Truly he must have had reference to such creatures as revereud ! ? Sere no, the ehampion pitchforker of Nuuanu, and the whole of the Missionary self named Christians who have borne false witness against their neighbors and have attempted to Hyde the iniquity of the Stevens—Thurstou coiupact by barefaced prevarieation. wheu he, the talented evlitor says: t It seems to be true that iu politics as in religion amī philosophy, there is no vagary too extravagant; uo theory too nnnstrous; no dogma too revolting aud cruel. to fiud its disciples and champions. Yes and he migbt have added that it is trne that no lie so malicious, uo perjoiy so rank, no object so cringing so despicable that the Christian' Missionarīesof Hawaii will not desend t». to d - fnnJ thj credulous and to cover jp their own i iiquities innate rascjl!ty. Again he saya:—Here is a paper ?ublished preiumably by Englishnen, in tbe futl btax« of the 19th jenlury, propo«ing and advocatiog in nnprov< ked and wauton aggresiou of a etrong power npon a weak n**. in viol >tion of mternationai aw, the uēuage of dviliied peopie.

and the prlncip’es of r.atural ' ju8t:ce. Uow «haolihe d sciples of tfco n ne who preached “Pewoe on EartbGood \\ ill to Men.' j»nderine to that rery tfaing "the nuproroi'd and ku .1 f /i of d ttrowi poKcr upon a tc'ak one’" and that aggression too. lead, p!anned, b-JsU=red and p«rpetrated by aa ex-nrin ster j of the;r s-> ci;.ed ChrĪ3tian reIigi-Mi. Perhip3 he takes hi? princ:p'.es of Christianity as well aā‘*nataral

just:ce" fro n lfae Reverend? correspondence of ths _Y. }'. Sun who violating the teacfaings of fais divine Master turns not the other eheek, but mvokes upon C eve!and angai?b such as he and hisins:guilicant clique have saff-red. Go to thou Hypocrite. In the lang ;age of the .V. }*. Sun’* eorrespo ideat. ‘Ts Hell big enough to hold sjch a hypocrite as thou.”