Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 16 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WM. DAVIES. !Riir£rei% Stevedore a*d AV reckei*. ESTI3IATES AND CONTEACTS OS ALL KIXDS OF WORK. The Schooooer MAHIMAHI. will rnn rpjjnUriy betv«>«n thi< p«>rt nnl W&iaIua. K»wajh.-ijvu, Mokuloiii. Ke«venai an«l Kuīki on tho i,-!an. ! of Oahu. For Frei»;ht, ote , apply to tho t'apuin. I5est of References—Inquir6 nt Office of J, S. Walkor. over Spreckels’ Bauk, or Wrighl Bros. Fort Street. dec 16-tf
LEWIS & C0. Wholesale and Retail Grocers A.VD PBOVISION DEALERS. FRESR CAUPORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every 8au Franoisco Steamer. Salt Salmon IX Barrels a Specialtt. iii Fort St., Honolulu. Tcl. 240 , P. O. Box 297.
CHAS. CIRDLER, Impoi*ter and Commission Mercbant. SPECIALTIES: J. A P. Coats' MaeLiae Thrrafl Jonas Brooks’ Maehiue Thr«\»i IWhone* Liuen Thread Pears’ Soap P. O. Box 358. Mnlnal Telephone 350 13 Kaahmuann Street.
plaiional Inon Woni^ Qr£EN Stkeet, Between Alakoa <k Rich.ini Sts. The uxdeksioxed mske rU kimi» of are prepareti to Iron Briss, Broare, Zi ao.I Tin and Lead C«atingr. Aiao a General Rep«ir hh.jp for St»am Engine«, Rice MiIU, Corn MiOn. Water Wbee!>, Wiad MilU, etc. Maehine* tor the Cleatdn.< of Coff. e. C«*tor Oil», Beans, K»m:e. Sis*l, PineappU- Leares A otb*r Ei!,rons PI«nts, And Paper Htock Al«o Machit.es for Eitractiug Starch fro«i the Manioe. Anv» Koot, etc. tV Ail Orders promptly «tten ie>i to. RITM/.N « CO.
CEIHT glDEWJ\U$ A5D Curbing Laid. Estimates g»Ten on all kinds of (Joi]ci ! 0fee pia$ef Woi^ C0XCRETE A SPECIALTT. JNO. F. BOWLER. jat>17 3m