Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 16 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
THE Provisioual floverai OFFICIAL LIST 0F J BERS AND LOCATIO OF BURE.\US. Eiecitivk Cocncil. B. n-Mo. Pro»i<1ont t*io !Tovi«5t'ri<t O ment of tho I«jtail«. *n ! M: nf Fnmlm Aifair<. J. A. Kinjt, Mini.«tor <>f the Intoiinr. -. M. Pimnn, Minlsterof Kinanee. W. O. Smith, AttoraeT-Getierai. Advisort Cocncil. 'V. C. Wil<ler. Vio«-rt»iIilent of the Prov Goverument of the HawaiUn I«'.an<1«. C. KiiUe. Oeoil Bmwn, John Nott, John Ena. James F. Monr«n Fd. S <hr. Jos. P. Memlone*. Ch*«. T. ihMlinm, L’ouneiU. John Emr E. D. T W. F. Henrv Water A. ’ F. M. Socret«ry Ex. an.l Stpeeme Cocet. Hon. A. F. Fn.i<l. fhief Fnjtice. Hon. R. F. F!iokerton. Fir«t A«<oolate Jn«i Hon. X'. F. Kmir. See<'iiil A«-'oiate Jnstic Henrj- Sralth, Chief rlerlt. Geo. i.uo» s, Depiitv CIerk. C. F. Peter«on.8ec n<l Dopotv CIork. J. Walter Jone¥, Steu<>srapher. ClKCCIT JCDGE8. Fir«t Cireuit: |S‘. £,( Oahu Seeond Ciiruit: (Maui) A. N. Kepoikai. Thinland Fonrth ClreniU; (Hawall)S. L, Fifth Cireuit: (Kauai) J. Hanle. Offieo« and Conrt-room in Courf Kin? ,«treet. Sittin>t in H moiuiu Th Monday iu Fehruarv. Mav. Auitn«t aml N ber. Deimrtment or Foreign Affairs. Offieein (’.ipUoi KulMi Klng «tro> Ejccelleney Saufortl B. Do.e, Minl«ter of F Affalr«. i»eo- C- Piitt*r. !vrrel ry. w. Horace Wright, Lionel Hart, Clerk«. DF.PARTME.VroF I.NTKRlOROilīoe iu Executive Bui:ding, Klng atre H»* Kxeēlleney J. A. Kine, Minuter of Inl C hief i ler*. Joh i A. I1hs« nirer. Aiuista.it (Terk«: Jamea 1F. Uov<l, M K kaloie. Stepben Mahauln. ’iieonie (’ Edwtrd S. Boy<L BURBAC OP AORiCVLTCRE AND KoREsT President: Hi» Exeellenev tbe Minls Interi<>r. Wm. U lnrin. Allan Hi John Ena. Jo«eph Mauden, an<l S«vretary. CHIKrs 0F BCREAC.«, lNTERtOR 1>EPART1 Surveyor-Generat, W. D. AIexander Snpt. Pnhl'e Work», W. E. Koweli. Snpt. Water Work«. An<lreir Rrown. Inspeetor. E’eetric Ughu. John Ca««i<lv Fteglstrar< f C >nveyaiios. T. G. Thrum P,o».l Snpervisor. H nolnln. W. n c U nii Ch ef Enginc«>r Fire I>et>«., Jas H. Hnat. Kupt. Insane A»ylum, Dr. A. McWayne. Depaetment or Fin*x< r. Offlee, Exeeutlve BuiUlinx, King stree Minlster of Finance. Hls Excellenry I'amnn. Au<lit<if-General, Geonre J. Rr>»«. Ketistr«r <>f Aeccunts. W G. AsTIev. Clerk o( Flnar.ee Offi.-e, E. A. Melnerny. CoI eetor-« ;->i«>ra 1 ol C<istom. J*a. B. < «st Tax As.«e«»or. Oaha, J m« Sn w I>epnty T«x Ax«e«»..r. W. o. W w lon. P->*lu«a*U;r-Geaeral, J. JJ>>n Uat, Crsrrojf« kcekac. Office. Cu»tom House. E«planade, Fort Co>ieetor-GeneraI. Ja«. B. «’Mllo IVp<ity-Col eeD.r F. B. Meeo-ekee. Msrbor-i»ster, Cat<tain A. Fnlier. Port Sunreyor. M. * S«c<lers. Storekeef> r, Geor*e C. Stratemeyer. Department or attornet-G Office in Exeentive Buiidiag, Cir.g strv Attorney-Ge>’erml. W. o. 3mltn Deputy Attumey.Gea«ral, G. K. Wilder. CIerk. J. M. Kea. Mar«h*j. E. G. H:tcheoek. C!rrk to M»r«hal, H. M Dow. Depuiv Mauhal. Arthur M. Bn>wn. Jaitor Oahu PrUon. J. A. I*>tr. Prison Phyidcian. Dr. C. B. Coopcr. « BOARD or lMMl .t*TI X. Pr**ldent. 91« Exce!!enev J. A. Kin*. Member of the Boat>l ot ImmivT«ti->n: Uon. J. B. Atherton. J««. H. < .i,st>, ] S- Chft» m, Juc(j G. Spe:.eer. M KoUni n. Secret«ry, Wr*y T»yior. Board or Hxalth