Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 16 February 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HA.WA.il HOLO^UA 18 prBLI8HED Every Aftemoon E3lCBIT 8UXDAY BY THE Holomaa Fublishing Co. At King St. (Thomas block), Honolala, H. I. S7BSCBZFTI0K, per Honlh. 50 Cts. Th«> p*p«r is delirered by Corriere in the tovn and »nbnrb<. Sing!e Copies fjr Sale at tbe Ncws Dealere aud at the Offioe of pnblication. EOMUNO NORRIE, - - Editor ABRAHAM FERNANDēZ, - Manager \()TICE. All Bnsiness Comnuirl>'ations sbon!d be adiiressed to Abrabam Temandez, Honolulu, H. I. Corre«pondence and Commnnications for pnbhcatiou sbould be addressed to tbe Editor Hawaii Holomna. N'o noiiee will be paid tu auy auonymous eommnuiealioue. 33usiness Cards A. T. rETERSON, ATTOKXEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaahnmann Street, Houolnln Hawaiiau Islands. CHAKLES CREIGHTON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce: 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnlu ILiwaiian Islands, PAUL NEUMANN. ATTORXF.Y AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telophone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORXEY AXD COrXSELLOR AT LAW. Offioe. OKl Capitol Bnilding, (Honolnln , Hale), adjoining Post Office, Honolnln. J. M. D.\VIDSON. ATTORXEY AT LAW. 306 Merchant St., Office (Mutual) Tel. 180. Residence 67. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORXEY AT LAW, Office, oorner King <fc Bethel Sts. A. ROSA, ATTORXEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahnmanu St.. Houolulu, Hawaiian Islamls. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Keal Estate and General Auctioneer. Corner Fort aud Qneen Streeta, Honolnln Peraonal attention given io Salee of Fornilnre, Roal Estate, Stock and General Merchandiae. Maiaal T.>pbona 2»