Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 16 Pepeluali 1894 Edition 02 — Not Guilty. [ARTICLE]
Not Guilty.
Wm. L. Mossman who hasbeen j under trial before the jury here on a charge of embezzling money belong ng to tho Post OtHce ir ‘ Mak nwao was fonnd “not guilty” this morning. The Provisional Government seeras to be extromelv unfortunato in its chargesagainst i citizens. The incapacity of Mr W. O. Sroith— frigbtfully learued in the law—and his satellites is beiug illustrated from day today. The roason wby we feel cal!ed on to meutiou this apeeial case is the or.trageons manner in whieh Mr. Mossman has been treated. This vonng man who now stands acquit- ' ted before the coinrounity was arrested ou the eve of his weddiog to one of Mi.kawao’s most eeiimahle young ladies. 1 He \\:is II r >wn in-o j>ris:'n and > j>' ced ui»der unasual heavy bonda. t He languis!>ed f>r s >roe tiroe in pr so.i while his bride at.d !>mily w« re sufferingtorture8. His eaee w; s called in the Iegal circuit, where he bēlonged, hut a change of venue was ssk»-d and gr*uted and ' )Hi ally he was bn>nght before a jary in Honolulu. To-day he wa» I acquitttd. and he ean return to his 1 I home as au bouest anei a free and r happy mao. But who is to recom- ‘ penae him and his f:>mily for what they have suffered througb the spite of one m in. the outrjgeous > blunder of P. G. »ffioi»ls? The l trouh!e, ann>yaroje. snd exj>ense» , i oonnected with a d:troag*? s;;il is ull . ’ whieh is r.Oīv l ū to Mr. M«x-suau. 1