Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 15 February 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THE Provisioū;il Governi»eūt OFFICIAL LIST 0F MEM BERS AND LOCATlON OF BCREAUS. EiKcrrn E Cocncil. ?. B. of l>i» Prr>Tl«lcm*1 f5oremment "( the lslanil<, *n-l Umii>tor of Forehrn Atfn!r«. J. A. Kinsr. Mmi«ter "f the Interior. 5. M, Iinmon. VinUterof Klnanee. O. 3mith, Attornev-GeneraI. Ax>tx«oRv Corscn,. e. Wi]«1er. Vlee-Pre*I<lent of the Pmvl«lon»l «Tovernatent of the Hawailmi Islani1«. C. BoI|e. Cecil Brown, John Xott, John Fn«. J«mes F. Morean Fd. S hr. Jo«. P. Men.lone». Ch««. T. Ro<liter? eounoll*. John ĒmmehHh. E. D. Tennev. W. F. Alleh. Henry W»terhou«e. A. Yonne, F. M. Haleh. Seeretary Kx. and Adv. Stpeeme Cocrt. Hon. A. F. Jndd, Chief Tnstioe. Hon. R. F. Birkerton. F1r«t Assoelate Jn«tiee. Hon. W. F. Fr>*nr, Second A«sociate Justice. Henry Smith. Chief CIerk. Oeo. i,tio> «, Pepnty Clerk. C, F. Petersun,See nd I>epnty Clerk. J. W«!ter Jones, Stenographer. ClRCCIT JcDGES. Flrst Cirruit: £ ™ r n *'{ Oahn Seeond C>reuit ('Kin) V. Kepoikai. Th'nl»nd FonrthCim its: (H«watl)S UAn«tin Fi(th Circuit; (Kanai) J. Hardy. Of!5ces and Court-room in Conrt Hon«e. Kinp street. Sitting in Honolulu—The fir*t Monday in February, Hav, Augusl and Ncvember. I>EPARTJIEST OP FOR£IGS AmiES. Ofilee In C»pltoI BnlldiTg, KIng »treet. Hls EiceIIency Sauford B. DoIe, Minl»ter of Foreign Allnin-. Oeo. C. Potter, Seeret*ry. W. Horace Wright, Liouel Hart, Clerks. DEPARTMENT0F ISTKtUOROffiee in Eiecutive Boiiding, King street. His E.veellenev J. A. King, Mlniater of Interior. Chief Cleri£, Joh i A. Hxss nger. Ass1sta.it Clerk»: James U. Boyd, M. K. Keohokalole. Steplien Mohaulu, Oeorge C. Huss, Ed w»rd S. Boyd. BCREAC 0F AGXUCrLTCBK AND FOEE.«TBY. President: His Exccllency the Minlster of Interlor. Wm. G lrw’in, Allan Herbert. John Ena. Joseph Marsdeu, Commissioner and Secretary. OlIEEN OrBCREACS, INTER10R DEP.ARTMENT. Snrveyor-Gener«l, W. D. Alexander. Supt. Puhl e Works, W. E. Koweli. Supf. W«ter Works, Andrew Brown. In.«peetor. E!eetrlc Ligh:s. John Cassidy. Registr»r <if C •uvevauces, T. G. Thrum' Road Superris<ir. H noinlu.W. H Caramiigy. Chief Engineer Fire Dept., Jb«. H. Hnnt. Supt. Insane Asylum, Dr. A. McW«yne. Depart*ent or Finance. Office, Executive Building, King strect, Minlster of Elnanee, Hls Exeelleney 3. M. Damon. Aad1tor-General, George J. Rs««. Registr«r of A«xeunt«, W. G. Ash!ey. C!erk of Einanee Uffiee, E. A. Mel nemy. Col eetor-Generai of Custom, J is. B. C«»tie. T«x Assessor. 0«hu. J >na. 3o w. Depnty T«x Aaeeae t. W. C. Wee«lon. Poe>ta.«st«r-Gener»l, J. Mort Oat. CCSTO*S BfEEAC. Offiee, Ca*tom House. Esplanade, Fort «treet. Codector-GeneniI. J«». B. Castle. Deputv-Co eetor K. B. MeSP<ker. H> rbor-ua»ter. C«ptain A. Fuller. Port 3 irveyor. M. N S-nder». Storeieept"r, George C. Stratemeyer. DEraRnrENT or Attornet-General. Offiee ia £lxeeutive BnildUg. King street. Attomey-Gener»L W. O. Sraito. I>eputv Attomey.Geueral, .. K. Wi!der. nerk. J. M. Ke». Mar»hai. E. G. Hileheoek. C!> rk lo M r»h»I. H. M. Dow. Deputy Manhai. Arthur M. Brown. Jailnr Onhu Pri»on. J. A. Low. Prison Phy*icl«n, Dr. C. B. Cooper. BuARD OP I*«!GRATtON. Pr?sident, di» ExceKener J. A. King. Member of Ihe Bo«rd o( lm:mgT«tion: non J. B. Atberton. J«.«. B. Caat>, Hon. A. 8. >.'lrgh m, Jame» G. 3penecr, Mark P. Rofcins n. Seereuxy, Wray T»ylor. Boaod or Healih Offieeia srour,<i»of Co«n Hoi:«e BuXMing. eomer of MiUlani and Que-n »:reeta. Memhen; Dr. Dar. Dr. Min»r, Dr. Andrew«. J. T. Waterhou«e Jr , Jofcn En«. Theo F. L«n»ing »nd Aiiamey-«»eiienJ 3mUh. Pmtdent—Hoo. » O emleh. 3eeretarv—Cha». W lcox. ExecuUve OS«r-C. B. Reyno*ds. inspeetcra d Maaagerol Gartage Ser» iee—L. L La Plene. ln«Lert -r—G. W. C. Joae». Por» Phr*k-lao, Dr. O. B. Asdrew«. Dl»prc.«wrr. Dr. H. W. HowanL Leper Setueni*dt, Dr. K, K. Otlver. Boaxs ot El>ccaTios. C«urt H juse Bo£Iding. King nieel. Pre»i<Ver.t, Hoa. C. R. Bishop. S*eretary, W, Ja<ae> 3mst h. lsspertA r of Sebooit>, A T. ALkiaaon. I Dhi*kt Cont Poliee 8tsUoo Boi!ding, Merch»nt itmt A. G. M. Rob*rtaoo, >»gi»trate. Jat&h» A. ihompaoo. Cl«ra